Monday, November 18, 2013

Catching Up

As of today, I am 15 weeks and 3 days pregnant.

I have so wanted to blog weekly like I did through Evelyn's pregnancy, but my days are full of fun with my two year old, and when I get a break, my booty ends up on the couch. 

And yes, I said two year old. I can't believe she's two.

The disciplining and sheer defiance has been difficult and wearing, but grace is a powerful thing. There have been horrible days where we both meltdown, but I feel as if I am learning through the process, how to handle my emotions, how to handle hers. And that has mostly come by prayer are grace. Evelyn is a beautiful child, and her personality is incredibly beautiful. But, it is challenging. She is determined, strong willed, knows what she wants when she wants it, resourceful, and defiant. But I've always said that when cultivated, these qualities will be amazing. It just requires a lot of prayer and grace and guidance from The Lord. :)

I've entered the second trimester, and I am starting to feel better. I am so incredibly thankful to be eating real food regularly again, and the throwing up has stopped, for now. Once in a while, I still feel nauseated, but it's nothing that I can't handle! I'm just waiting for the energy boost to kick in any day now! The exhaustion is hard, it keeps me at home most of the week, but I actually am enjoying the time just playing with Evelyn. Although, it is incredibly wonderful to get out of the house when I do. 

I realized the other day that it's not going to be just me and Evelyn for very long. I've purposed to make the most of our mother-only child time, and have had fun playing with her and taking her on "dates" to Chick fil A or Target. The other day, we were on a breakfast date, and as I was watching her eat, I was just so overwhelmed with how amazing she is. I am one blessed mama, and am so incredibly thankful. 

On October 30, we had our 12 week check up. The baby's heartbeat was at 148, so it definitely dropped a bit. Everything looked great, so we don't see the doctor again until 18 weeks, where we will do the ultrasound and find out if we are having a girl or boy!

I have been feeling the baby move since about 12 weeks. Most would say that this is impossible, but I know what I felt. And when it moved for the first time, do you know what verse The Lord gave me? He brought me to the chapter where John the Baptist leapt in Elizabeth's womb. I believe these early movements are my baby worshiping God and being filled with the Spirit, I truly do. I know that may sound odd, but that is what God showed me. And what's really cool, is that I had a man of God prophetically confirm that to me, that these movements were no coincidence. Remember my 8 week ultrasound? As we were watching our little miracle, it's entire body began moving. And the ultrasound tech was amazing, saying that she was surprised to see that kind of movement so early. My little baby is praising God!

I was reminded today of eucharisteo - thanksgiving, that it always, always precedes the miracle. And I remembered the place I was brought to months ago, a place of total and utter thanksgiving to my God. My life and story is a living testament to eucharisteo preceding the miracle.