Thursday, December 29, 2011

8 Weeks

I can't  believe little one is already two months old!!! Some highlights from the past couple of weeks are:

  • SMILES! She is smiling like crazy, every day, all day! Daddy and I love it, we could never tire of those smiles. She shows off her tongue and dimples, and those beautiful wide open-mouthed smiles are a regular occurrence these days!

  • A while back, she lost a lot of the hair on her head, and it is definitely growing back in now, still reddish-blonde. But, she did lose a lot of that furry-peach fuzz hair on her body (except the hair on her ears, it is adorable!).
  • She has started to drool a lot these days, and I panicked and thought, "She's not teething, right? That's impossible at 8 weeks!" It is impossible, right???? I guess she's just a drooly girl!
  • She loves sitting upright in the bumbo! It is really cute to see her in it, because she is so tiny!

  • My baby girl is definitely growing. We had to switch from newborn to size one diapers, because she started leaking through most of the newborn sizes. I have to say, I think I shed a tear when we put her in size ones. She's growing, and I can't stop it! And, most of her newborn clothes don't fit anymore, they are too short. She is still in newborn sleepers, though!
  • She loves her "learning time" puppy that she got for Christmas from Grammie and Grampie. She stares at it and smiles, and tries to talk to it. It is adorable. We are discovering that she loves anything that lights up with music.
  • I am happy to report that we are on day five of no mittens!!! And so far, she hasn't scratched her face! She still loves keeping her hands by her face, and she really loves sucking her fingers.
  • Much to my delight ( and daddy's), she is sleeping through the night! She started to right around week six, and we are happy to get good rest at night. She goes to bed between 9 and 10, and usually doesn't wake up until somewhere between 5 and 7. I freaked out the first time it happened, and rushed into her room to make sure she was okay, and she was sound asleep! 

Check back soon for pictures of our first Christmas!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

10 Things

Ten things I've learned in the past six weeks:

1. Poop is explosive. Majorly. Explosion number one: poop flying from our bed covering the bassinet and carpet. Mom and Dad's carpet cleaner needed. Explosion number two: poop flying everywhere in the backseat of my car, and all over me. Laughter was a must (for sanity's sake) and mom and dad's carpet cleaner (with the car attachment) needed once again. 

2. All of that crap about not using a pacifier because of nipple confusion is, well, crap. She nurses just fine, and the pacifier is amazing and the most used item throughout the day. 

3. Some of my favorite items:

  • The moby wrap! Amazing! Why didn't I start using it sooner???
  • Fisher Price Snugabunny Swing
  • Fisher Price Snugabunny Bouncer - portable, I use it a lot in the bathroom when I'm getting ready.
  • wipe warmer
  • breast pump
  • zip up sleepers
  • Butt paste
  • SwaddleMe swaddle wraps
  • Boppy Newborn Lounger
  • Chicco travel system
  • video touch screen monitor
  • lots of cuddly blankets
  • bows, headbands, flowers
  • jogging stroller
  • mittens so she doesn't scratch herself

4. Social interaction is a must. Even if I'm really tired and just want to stay home because there is a million things to get done, a visit with friends and family is extremely important. Just getting out of the house and being around strangers at a store does wonders.

5. Time flies. And I tell myself every day to never take a moment with her for granted. I will never wish my moments away, or say "I can't wait for her to..."

6. God provides. When we need it most. When we wonder how we are going to make it.

7. Diapers are one of the greatest inventions ever. I never realized how many you really go through in one week.

8. One of the best times of the day is after her 7ish am feed. She wants to snuggle (we usually do in my bed) and she is full of so many smiles and chatters a lot. I love it. I never thought one of my favorite times of day would be before 10am. My, how a baby changes things.

9.  Don't sweat the small things. And it's okay if my house does not look perfect and there are dishes in the sink and laundry in the washer. And flexibility is key.

10. I think I allow myself enough time to get out the door when I need to be somewhere at a specific time, but I never do. So far, late every time.

Okay, I know it says 10 things, but just one or two more...

11. Date night is a must. Even if Evelyn comes along, she just sleeps in her carseat anyway. And any alone time that you can find in your day is also a must. Evelyn is now our main focus, but the marriage relationship still must come first.

12. I'm so in love. I can't get enough kisses, smiles, coos, and snuggles. And, I see so much of myself and her daddy in her. It's so beautiful to see our love for each other expressed through her.


She has her daddy's eyes.

Evelyn loves him so much already, knows and listens for his voice.

Every evening, she gets a little fussy. I actually think she gets tired of me. He walks through the door, scoops her up, and she is instantly soothed. Then he goes to the couch and she snuggles on his chest, they both have their eyes closed. Together, they unwind and decompress from the day.

He puts her down for bed every night. I can't do it - she won't go to sleep for me, only for daddy. 

He graciously changes her diapers, even the poopy ones!

He rocks her and calms her when she's fussy. 

She falls asleep in his arms.

He is jealous for her, and can't stand to let others hold her for too long. 

He takes care of her during church, so I can worship.

He gives her a bottle every night before bed.

Saturday morning snuggle time in our bed is his highlight of the week.

She smiles and "talks" to him.

In the words of a dear friend, it is a "beautiful transformation." I have watched it happen right before my very eyes. From man, to husband, to daddy. It has been incredible to witness, and I have fallen even more in love with him because of it.
There is nothing like a daddy and his daughter - she's changed him, and he would do anything for her. I've seen his heart melt in an instant, and watched his heart explode for her.
Our love for each other has grown to a place like never before, as we together love our little miracle.

Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.

Friday, December 9, 2011

My Little Pumpkin

My little pumpkin is 5 weeks old. And she has already changed so much. I find myself everyday knowing a love so strong, a love that I never could have imagined. Every day that love grows, and my bond with her strengthens.

She has discovered her tongue. She rolls it around and sticks it out, it is so cute. She has started to smile here and there, real smiles, not just gas smiles! She loves pattycake, and she loves smiling at grammie and grampie. 

She's so alert now, with such bright blue eyes that are so responsive. She watches and listens so well. And she is so strong! When you hold her, she pushes her legs up like she's wanting to stand. Her neck is incredibly strong as well!

I think we hit that 5 week "fussy" mark that everyone talks about. She has her fussy moments throughout the day. I make sure all my bases are covered - diaper clean, burps are out, full tummy, etc, but she still gets fussy. Usually music calms her down or changing positions and moving around. She still is perfect and absolutely adorable, even in her fussy moments!

I started pumping a little in the morning, to prepare for when I go back to work. At nighttime for a part of her last feeding before bed, we feed her what I was able to pump that day, and she has taken the bottle just fine! Since doing that, she has slept for 5-6 hour stretches! Yes! And, adding a bottle feeding in the evenings allows hubby to get in on the feeding time. I think it is such a good bonding experience, and hubby seems to really enjoy it.

I finally feel fully recovered. I gave myself plenty of time and allowed myself to take as much time as I needed to physically get back to normal. Five weeks seems long, but I didn't want to push it at all, and honestly, I really just wanted to soak up my time at home with her, for those first vital weeks. I felt it was so important to allow as much time as we felt needed to bond, the three of us, as a family, and establish some sort of normalcy and routine. I now feel ready to get "back out there," especially socially. I've become somewhat of a hermit, and I'm ready to hang out and be with our dear friends again. So give me a call! :)

Well, the laundry is beckoning, the dishwasher is calling out to be emptied, and best of all, my little one is cooing.

Love to you all...

Friday, December 2, 2011

I'm Back!

I can't take it anymore! I have to sit down and blog. All of these milestones, moments, and events in Evelyn's life are already flying by, and I want to make sure that I document them every step of the way. So here's to a new (and hopefully doable) goal for this mommy - blog once a week. It's just been hard to find a moment to sit and blog in between feedings, diaper changes, naps for her and me, laundry, cooking, etc.

I have a four week old. Yes, that's one month! It feels like just a short moment ago, we were driving to the hospital, feeling excited, nervous, anxious all at the same time. We were about to meet our dear one. And now she's been here for a month! To be honest with you, the last four weeks have been somewhat of a blur. We haven't even made it to church yet. I just never felt ready to go - I was still recovering from giving birth, Evelyn was adjusting and finding some sort of routine, and we just couldn't get out the door. And in all honesty, the thought of going to church was overwhelming to me. Don't get me wrong, we LOVE our church family, but I just wasn't ready. Until now. We are going to do everything we can to get there this weekend! I am excited to see everyone, and I know they will be excited to meet Evelyn!

I love being a mommy. It was what I was born to do. I believe I have stepped into it naturally, and I can say that I am proud of myself. While I was pregnant, it was so hard to picture what it would look like to be a mommy, but I can now say that I wouldn't have it any other way. And I must say how incredibly proud I am of my hubby. He is a changed person. He was the minute he laid eyes on her. He is so incredibly tender and caring, and loves her completely. He helps me without being asked. I love listening to him talk to her. I love watching him snuggle with her on his chest. I love every moment!

So much happened over these first four weeks, and I want to make sure I get it all out. So here I go!
  • She is so beautiful. I love watching her sleep, but then I remember that I should be sleeping, too.
  • Giving birth was a beautiful mess. I will blog our birth story soon...
  • She rolled over twice at our two week pediatrician appointment, and she's done it a few times since. She is incredibly strong for a newborn, and lifts her head up when she's on her tummy to make eye contact with you.
  • She fights sleep, and fights it hard. She moans and groans to keep herself awake. 
  • She loves her paci! I was totally against using a paci until she was 6 weeks old, but that went out the window at two weeks. She loves it, and it has not hindered nursing at all.
  • Speaking of nursing, I've learned it is not for the faint of heart! It is a lot of work, but to me, it is totally worth it. I love the fact that she was dependent on me in the womb, and now she is still dependent on me through nursing. It is such an incredible bonding experience - I wish every mommy could experience it. 
  • Evelyn is obsessed with her hands. Her ultrasounds always showed her hands up by her head, and that hasn't changed one but outside the womb. We can't swaddle her tightly because she freaks out if she cannot have her hands by her face. She's constantly keeping her hands up on her head, rubbing her face, sucking her hands. So, she is constantly in mittens because her face keeps getting scratched up, even with clipped nails. 
  • Night time has been okay....some good nights and some hard nights. The past few nights have been rough, but we are able to make it through! 
  • Her eyes are so much more alert now, and she's definitely having more awake time. She makes the cutest expressions, and I love it when I can see both of her big dimples! Where did those dimples come from, anyways???
  • She loves her little giraffe and lamb that make soothing sounds, and she loves her swing.
  • For two weeks, our dear friends from our church brought us meals. It was an incredible blessing! 
  • I am already dreading going back to work, even if it is only two days a week.
  • My favorite names for her right now are "Pumpkin" and "Sweetpea."
  • She loves bath time!! Yay! She only cries when we take her out of the bath!
  • We go to Target 3-4 times a week. I haven't ventured out on my own yet, so I wait until Michael comes home from work, but it's a great place to go to get out of the house! We love Target. (and there's a Starbucks inside!)
  • Our first Thanksgiving as a family of 3 was perfect. My mom hosted and cooked, it was amazing. We have so much to be thankful for, and this year was very special to us.
  • I am so thankful for my mommy friends, who I can go to with questions or for advice. Love you!
  • Every moment is such a gift from God - every coo, every cry. I will never take it for granted. 
  • She smells SO good. I remember thinking that right after she was born, that she smelled so good! Babies just have a natural good smell. And then add Baby Magic lavender and they smell divine. 
  • Sometimes she sleeps with her mouth hanging open, just like me!
  • Her hair is so beautiful - strawberry blonde. It glimmers red in the sun. But sadly, it is falling out. I am excited to see if it grows back in strawberry blonde!
  • She has the biggest, deep blue eyes, just like her daddy.
  • I love the little sounds she makes when she's nursing.
  • I love all the little sounds she makes - squeaks, coos, cries, grunts...
  • Wow, can she fill her pants! I never fully realized how many diapers one really goes through with a newborn...
  • My entire outlook on life has changed. My priorities have shifted, and everything has become a bit clearer. You really learn about what is truly important, all through a little babe.
  • Amick took Evelyn's newborn photos, and they are amazing! I'm so glad that we did that, especially when she was so little. It was a little difficult, because she did not want to sleep during the pictures, and she was naked the whole time. It took two photo sessions to get them done! And at one point, poop went flying all over Michael and all over the kitchen floor. Isaak's face was priceless when he saw it, and to this day, he still remembers that "Evelyn pooped in the kitchen and it was yellow." Oh, and she pooped in Michael's guitar case. :) But the photos are truly amazing. 
  • I never realized it was possible to do this much laundry. :)
I love my little girl, I love the mommy she's made me and the daddy she's made Michael. She is a gift, our gift of life, our little miracle. I cannot even fully express or put into words the love I have for her and how she's changed us. God is so good. He is our healer, He is our sustainer, and He has blessed me beyond my wildest dreams.