Thursday, January 31, 2013

I Asked...He Answered (introduction)

In my previous post, I mentioned that I had been asking God for more revelation in my life. I've been in a season of rest for sometime now, and have written frequently about that, but now I feel I am moving into this new season of revelation.

My hubby and I recently made a change in where we attend church, and it has been like huge breaths of fresh air for us, spiritually and relationally. It has been a time of seeking God, and listening to Him. It is my hearts desire, and I have genuinely been asking, for God to rest His revelation on me. And He has heard me, and I feel like I am being downloaded with fresh revelation from Him. 

I in no way feel that I have some extra special connection with the Holy Spirit that other believers don't have in where God speaks to me more, but I know that when you genuinely ask and seek for something, He will answer. Every believer can have immense revelation through the Holy Spirit. 

So I am going to start my first blog series, about the things that I've been learning and what God has been showing me. I'll be sharing my heart about - 

Living in the supernatural, spiritual
Prophetic words/words of knowledge
Believer's identity in Christ 
Maturing as believers 

Come back soon for part one! 

15 Months

Yes, it has been almost three months since I've blogged. I've had every intention of blogging more, but my daughter is extremely busy. And when she goes down for her one nap a day, there are so many other things that need to get done! 
But blog, I have not forgotten about you!!!

Evelyn is 15 months old today. The days are whirling into each other, and I can't seem to make sense of the time and how it passes. Our days are filled with pretend cell phones, baby dolls, swings and slides, purses, walks, and tea cups. And throughout all of this, I pinch myself as I see my baby grow, and my love for her overflows. 

She's climbing on everything possible. She even climbed into our fireplace. For some reason, the fireplace is one of her favorite things to play with. It's a see through fireplace, centered in our house. One day, she decided to open the glass doors. Well, she opened them so hard that they came completely off, stripping the screws that held them in place...which means we have to order new ones. 

She loves "talking" on her many play cell phones, and enjoys shopping with her cart. She loves to grab a book and snuggle up on my lap. We try to read, but I end up giving kisses and she gets frustrated. Her vocabulary is expanding every week, and my house if filled with "hi, daddy, gingey, baby, pretty, uh-oh, hot," and random syllables that try to imitate "bellybutton."

She had her doctor check up the other day, and weighed in at a petite 20 pounds 7 ounces, and 32 inches longs. My little pumpkin...

Because many family members pitched in for her birthday, we were able to put up a really cool swing set in out backyard - it has a few different swings, a treehouse, and a slide. We usually spend every afternoon out playing on it, and she loves exploring the yard, too. 

One of her favorite spots is a stump.

Anytime she hears the trainer helicopters coming, she stops, waves, and says "hi" until they are out of sight. If only the pilots could see her...I'm sure it would bring smiles to their faces!

 Christmas was very low key. But we enjoyed it very much, and soaked in all the restful time at home together. Evelyn's expressions as she opened her presents were priceless...

God has been teaching and revealing things to me, sometimes I cannot even wrap my head around it all. I prayed and asked God for more revelation, to break off any religious pretenses I may have, and being a good, good Daddy, He has heard me and rested his revelation on me daily. 
I'll dig deeper into it for you soon...

Love, love, love and His peace to you all.