Thursday, June 13, 2013

She Kept All These Things In Her Heart

Luke 2:19
But Mary kept all these things in her heart and thought about them often.
(referencing the glorious birth of Jesus)

Luke 2:51
And His mother stored all these things in her heart.
(referencing Jesus as a child teaching in the temple)

I look at my daughter, and I know that God has destined her for greatness. That she is chosen, that she has a purpose, and that she's been gifted for a reason. 

Every night as I hold her as her tired eyes drift asleep, I pray that the Lord's anointing would be on her, even as she sleeps, and that she would be filled with the Holy Spirit now to accomplish His will. Children are the greatest in God's kingdom, and we are called to child-like faith. There's no doubt in my mind that my 19 month old can experience the fullness of God.

And I see it. I feel it. As I watch, observe, I place the things that I see and hear in my heart, and I think of them often.

As I see people, even strangers immediately transformed through her laugh and her sounds - I hear the very voice of God.

As I am holding her on my hip, in prayer for a friend, she places her hands on my friend as if to join us in prayer. Later, my friend told me that she felt power and peace in her touch. 

As I see people drawn to her, I know it is His joy in her that people are drawn to.

As I sit and pray and worship in my living room, and I feel her hands gently stay on my back as she stands behind me, peace immediately comes over me. Her hands carry peace. It's as if she's interceding for me in those moments. 

As we drive down the road, and worship songs come on, and without any prompts or instruction, my babe claps, sways and lifts, raises, reaches her hands to the Lord - and she worships. 

As she climbs up on the piano bench and plays a sweet melody and sings with her sweet voice, it is like oil poured out in worship. 

I keep all of these things in my heart, because I know that before time ever was, before the foundations of the world, God held Evelyn in His hand and only has greatness for her, and has a divine plan for her life that will shake the earth. 

1 comment:

  1. Just had a tearfest after reading this! Beautiful. You are one blessed Mama :)
