Friday, April 11, 2014

36 Week Thoughts

Dear, dear blog.
I'm sorry I've neglected you so much lately.
But I'm tired. 
I'm currently sitting here at 36 weeks pregnant, and my body is feeling it. I'm just tired. Going anywhere and doing anything takes so much motivation!
My beautiful two-and-a-half year old is so busy, and so much fun. She is my light.
But it's hard keeping up with her these days.
And life has happened. Goodness, has it happened. As soon as I have time to wrap my head and heart around everything that has transpired in the Swift Family over the past two months, I will fill you in. 
But for now, just pray - for peace, clarity, guidance, open doors, closed doors.

Other than fatigue, I am feeling good. And am so stinkin excited to meet our beautiful boy! Just a few more weeks...
He hiccups twice a day - morning and night, and loves to kick me in my sides and stick his feet out. I love feeling him move. It's a beautiful, simple, miraculous reminder of His faithfulness, His healing, His timing, His word. 
According to my 36 week check up, he is head down and ready! I'm 50% effaced and slightly dilated. 
And I'm ready.
I've nested as much as I've possibly can. 
His beautiful clothes are washed and folded - clothes that have become more of a blessing than I could ever imagine. 
The gifts from my amazing shower are put away and ready to go. My shower was one of the biggest blessings I have ever seen. Or, my eyes have just been opened much wider to see provision, and blessing, and love, and friendship. I'll never be the same. 
The co-sleeper is set up, the swing is ready to go, and the diapers are waiting to be worn. 
And Evelyn, every day, asks about "baby Ezra" and when he will come out of my tummy. And my answer lately is "soon darling, very soon."
I can't wait to see his face and fall in love with a little boy who has already stolen my heart. 

And the belly. We can't forget the belly. 

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