Monday, January 23, 2012

I Have A Three Month Old!

It's hard to believe, but little miss Evelyn is three months old already!

Last week, we had her 2 month check up (a few weeks late), and she is growing beautifully. She now weighs a whopping 11 pounds and is 23 inches long. 
She received her shots, one in each leg. I hated it. She cried, and I cried. Thankfully we had daddy there to calm us both down.

My little girl is now grabbing at and reaching for things. She loves her little frog that is attached to her carseat. We've affectionately named him Albert, and it lights up and plays music and she hits it and grasps it. 

She is a little chatterbox! For some reason, she loves laying on her changing pad. As soon as I put her down on it, she is smiling and cooing. She loves making vowel sounds, especially "oo." I love watching her try to imitate my voice and the shape of my lips. She is my favorite person to have conversations with! 

The drooling has not slowed down at all, which has required me to get more bibs! I had read that at this stage, the salivary glands are stimulated, which causes more drool. So thank God, it's not teeth. I don't think I'm ready for that!

Sweet Evelyn has incredible neck control. She is moving it side to side and keeps it up when she is on her tummy. She is so strong, and she has been since she was born. She never had that floppy newborn neck. 

I can definitely see a little stubborn streak in her. When she's not getting her way or doesn't want to do something, she arches her back and throws her head back. She even yells at me. Yes, yells. They're not cries, they sound more like complaints. It is pretty funny!

The past month has actually been pretty rough for me, health wise. I came down with a UTI (ugh) and had to go on antibiotics and lots of rest. Then, I developed mastitis. It is an ugly, ugly thing. So painful! The infection was in my left boob, and it looked like I had gotten a boob job just on that one side! So, antibiotics were in order again, and a lot of rest. 
So, every day I'm claiming health, speaking against any sickness, infection, and headaches. 

I will end by saying that mommyhood is the best thing. Ever. 
I believe that it truly is a calling, a God-given gift.
There are rough days, believe me. Days where you don't think you are going to make it, days where your eyes are heavy and body weak. There are frustrating days and lonely days. Days filled with spit up, endless diaper changes, heaps of laundry and mounds of dishes. 
But it is all worth it, because those days are also filled with smiles, cuddles, laughs, coos, snuggles, kisses, love, baths, dancing, rocking, singing, playing. It is hard work, but it is incredible. Some days, all I want to do is just look at her sweet face, into those big blues, and rejoice over her and thank God for her, for this gift. 

I love you, my sweet Evelyn. 

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Our Birth Story

Sunday, October 30th
Throughout my pregnancy, I had many Braxton-Hicks contractions.
But these were different.
They started out as a little painful, and I remember thinking, "Hmm, that feels different."
I wasn't due for ten more days!
Then I got more and more, and around 11:30am is when they started to become more noticeable.
Michael and I started walking around our neighborhood, and we went to my parent's for Sunday lunch, where we did some more walking.
We went back to our house, walked more, and they started to get a little more regular and more painful. We decided to go to triage around 10pm where they checked me, but sent me home because I was only 3-4 cm dilated.
That night was awful. I had contractions all night long that were so painful that I just moaned and writhed in bed. Sleep did not happen that night! The contractions hurt, but they were not consistent in timing! So, we decided to wait.

Monday, October 31
We got up that morning, and went to Chick fil A for breakfast, and Wal Mart for groceries. The contractions now were painful enough that I had to stop and breathe through them. We did a ton of walking to try to get them more regular, but they ever got consistent. Finally, the pain started to become so intense, and some of my contractions were last 5 minutes! So, we called Dr. Sontag and he had us come in to be checked. At 3:30, I was 5 cm and 90 percent effaced. He sent us to Labor and Delivery!
We settled into our L&D room. Our room was big and beautiful, with a large window. And our nurse was so sweet! Michael brought our bags up, and we settled in.

Dr. Lyle came in at 4pm where I was now 6 cm! He broke my water to get things moving. Contractions then got very long and very painful. We were able to watch the contractions on the computer via an internal monitor. My parents came up and sat with us as we waited for things to progress. I was so thankful to have my parents there - they have been our support, our encouragement, and have loved Evelyn from the minute they found out I was carrying her. They have listened to our updates, our worries, gone on countless baby shopping trips, have given us incredible advice, and have been an example of godly parents. They have been our prayer warriors, when we were starting to become hopeless in being able to have children.
I am so thankful. I love you, mom and dad.

  I requested an epidural, and the anesthesiologist came pretty quickly. He was really nice, and was able to place the epidural on the first try, and it was pain-free. I instantly started feeling the effects, praise God, because my contractions were very painful and long at this point! Because the contractions were lasting long and painful but were not happening at regular intervals, I was given pitocin through my IV. Now, I had made up my mind early on in this pregnancy that I wanted to avoid pitocin at all costs, but at this point, it became necessary. We really don't know why my contractions were not becoming regular, but the pitocin did it's job. After the pitocin was given, I was dilated to 8 cm. I now had a new nurse, and she was phenomenal. I truly believe she was assigned my room for a reason, she was a God-send for me. I remember her telling us that we were such an awesome couple to work with, and this is why she does her job. I loved her.

My dear, dear friends (I should call them sisters), Christy and Jessica came and joined us in our L&D room as we waited. I am so thankful for them, their friendship, and support. They prayed and prayed for us and Evelyn - I think I would've lost my mind without their wisdom, prayers, accountability, and willingness to just listen as I poured out my heart to them. They have been by my side from day one in our journey to conceive, so it was an honor to have them with us.

Around 8:30pm, the nurse checked me, and I was 10 cm dilated and 100 percent effaced!!! It was go time!!! The nurse called Dr. Sontag and she started prepping everything. I was definitely feeling pressure and the urge to push. We had everyone leave the room, until it was only me and Michael, the way we wanted it. We wanted only the two of us to share the moment to come. 
The nurse, Michael, and I did a practice push. They saw the top of her head!!! I was able to reach down and feel her, which was an amazing, emotional moment for me.
Sontag arrived, got ready, and I started to push around 9:30. I held onto my thighs while Michael held one leg and the nurse held the other. They coached me through cycles of pushes, and more pitocin was added to encourage faster contractions. I pushed really well, and Michael did such an amazing job encouraging me. I could tell he was so excited, and he kept telling me "Come on, baby. That's right, your doing great!" I could tell he was purely amazed by the entire process. Sontag was stretching me inbetween contractions, but I ended up getting an episiotomy to help - I didn't feel it at all. After about 10-12 contractions and pushing through each one, Evelyn was born at 9:54pm! As soon as I saw her coming out of me, I started crying. They put her on my tummy, and the tears were flowing. Michael had tears in his eyes. What a moment for us.

We waited so long, what felt like an eternity, for this very moment.
Our precious little miracle now was laying on me, and the only thing I could do was hold her and weep.
With every breath she took, every little cry that she made, I praised God for this fearfully and wonderfully made gift.
My tears were so many things in that moment - they were thankfulness, relief, love, joy, amazement, and they were my worship to God.

She was wailing, and I remember that she smelled so good to me, even though she wasn't cleaned up yet. She came out pretty clean as it was. Her hair was strawberry blonde, and she started opening her eyes. We kept touching and kissing her, and I just let my tears flow.  Michael then was able to cut the cord. They took her to the adjoining room where she was weighed, cleaned up, and checked out. Michael went with her and watched and put on her first diaper. As they were doing all of that, Sontag and the nurses were cleaning me up. I asked to see the placenta, which is an amazing organ. It was the lifeline to my baby! It was pretty incredible to see. After they took care of me, Michael brought Evelyn back, and we were able to have some time together - just the three of us.

I then tried breastfeeding, and she latched immediately. It was absolutely beautiful and one of the most amazing experiences. We instantly had a bond, mother and daughter, and I am so thankful for that. I knew her already, and she knew me. This was the beautiful miracle that I had been carrying for months, that I had been feeling move inside of me, that I had been talking to. Words simply cannot explain the bond and the emotions that you feel when you hold your  baby for the first time. I was already in love with her and would do anything for her. I felt a love for her that I had never experienced before.

I was STARVING and craving apple juice, so I quickly downed Corn Pops and a few glasses of juice. Michael went out to the waiting room and brought everyone back to meet our little pumpkin!
Evelyn was so excited to meet her Grammie and Grampie and Aunt Christy and Aunt Jess!
It was a sweet moment for all of us as we together marveled at our gift from God.

After everyone had a chance to get some snuggles from Evelyn, we left the L&D room and headed to our other room where we would stay for the next two days.
We all got good rest that night - we took advantage of the nursery. They brought her in about every two and a half hours for me to feed her, so Michael and I could rest well. We'd all been through a lot.

Tuesday, November 1
During the daytime, we had Evelyn room in with us. This day was full of visitors and tests for Evelyn. She aced all of them, and we had so much fun showing her off to our friends and family.
We were definitely proud parents.
That morning, Michael helped me get to the shower, and it was the best shower of my life. Seriously, one has never felt that good. I was tired and sore, so just standing there and letting the hot water run over me was heavenly.
Speaking of being sore, thank God for the people that invented epifoam and Tuck's pads. And ice cubes. Just sayin'...
Oh, and I have to give a shout out to Sacred Heart cafeteria. I thought their food was really good. Or maybe it tasted so good because I was so hungry. Either way, I enjoyed all the food!

Wednesday, November 2
This was our last day in the hospital, and it was a much quieter day.
We attended the parenting class (which I highly recommend because they give you a ton of free stuff) and signed all of our paperwork.
We dressed her in her going home outfit,
and off we went!
We got in the car and Michael and I looked at each other and just couldn't believe that she really was ours. We could actually take her home. It was a surreal moment.
It was wonderful to walk into our home for the first time as "family." For years, it's been "Michael and Rachel," the "Swift's." But now, we are the "Swift family," mommy, daddy, and baby.
I love it.

Evelyn's story has only just begun...

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Our First Christmas

Our first Christmas was absolutely beautiful. We spent it with our family, and we were so happy that my brother, my sis-in-law, and niece were able to make the trip from Wisconsin to be with us! 

We had Christmas Eve breakfast at Waffle House, which I think may be a new tradition!
We all headed out to our church's Christmas Eve service, and it was beautiful. Evelyn did so well, she just loved all of the music!

Her Christmas Eve fancy!

My brother Ben and his wife Jen
and my adorable niece Ava

So sweet...great memories

Christmas morning was great - we slept in and relaxed! And of course, Evelyn had to wear her Christmas tutu!

We had lunch back at my parents with the family and cheered on the Packers!

Ava's ready to open presents!!!

Our best present ever. Our sweet Evelyn in a stocking!
(she wasn't too pleased about being put in a stocking)

Grammie with her sweeties

 Merry Christmas from the Swift family!
We have so much to be thankful for, and this Christmas was so special for us. 
Our lives are forever changed --- because of our little miracle, our gift from God!