Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Miracles. Healing. Yes, My God is Able.

My dear friends.

God is so faithful. 

He is MY healer.

I've wondered over the years why we've gone through what we've gone through. 
Why the thing I wanted most of all in this world was almost impossible to get....

But with God, ALL things are possible.

And I've been given a clear answer - the waiting, the praying, the listening, the tears, the longing,
 all of it -
Shows HIS power and HIS glory at work.
And what the enemy intended for harm, God worked to the good.

And our story, I firmly believe that The Lord told us that it is meant to be shared. 

So you can see His power, His glory, at work, today. 

And so you can witness another miracle in our lives...

Miracle baby #2 is due in early May, 
making me currently 12 weeks pregnant. 

And as I said before, our journey leading up to this miracle is meant to be shared. The details of how God worked over these past two years, through visions, dreams, prophetic words, scriptures, listening to His voice, being obedient - it all is utterly amazing. 
Sometimes when I think of it all, I get overwhelmed at Him, and I shake my head in amazement and simply say "wow" as the tears of thanksgiving fall.
And I am left in awe of my Jesus and how He worked through it all to display His glory.
I will fill you in on it all in my next post. 
For now, thank and praise Jesus with us for our little miracle. 

1 comment:

  1. HI Rachel! Congratulations! I praise God for you and am so happy to hear of your news! Love you!

