Thursday, December 29, 2011

8 Weeks

I can't  believe little one is already two months old!!! Some highlights from the past couple of weeks are:

  • SMILES! She is smiling like crazy, every day, all day! Daddy and I love it, we could never tire of those smiles. She shows off her tongue and dimples, and those beautiful wide open-mouthed smiles are a regular occurrence these days!

  • A while back, she lost a lot of the hair on her head, and it is definitely growing back in now, still reddish-blonde. But, she did lose a lot of that furry-peach fuzz hair on her body (except the hair on her ears, it is adorable!).
  • She has started to drool a lot these days, and I panicked and thought, "She's not teething, right? That's impossible at 8 weeks!" It is impossible, right???? I guess she's just a drooly girl!
  • She loves sitting upright in the bumbo! It is really cute to see her in it, because she is so tiny!

  • My baby girl is definitely growing. We had to switch from newborn to size one diapers, because she started leaking through most of the newborn sizes. I have to say, I think I shed a tear when we put her in size ones. She's growing, and I can't stop it! And, most of her newborn clothes don't fit anymore, they are too short. She is still in newborn sleepers, though!
  • She loves her "learning time" puppy that she got for Christmas from Grammie and Grampie. She stares at it and smiles, and tries to talk to it. It is adorable. We are discovering that she loves anything that lights up with music.
  • I am happy to report that we are on day five of no mittens!!! And so far, she hasn't scratched her face! She still loves keeping her hands by her face, and she really loves sucking her fingers.
  • Much to my delight ( and daddy's), she is sleeping through the night! She started to right around week six, and we are happy to get good rest at night. She goes to bed between 9 and 10, and usually doesn't wake up until somewhere between 5 and 7. I freaked out the first time it happened, and rushed into her room to make sure she was okay, and she was sound asleep! 

Check back soon for pictures of our first Christmas!

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