Wednesday, October 31, 2012


One year.

One year ago, the answer to our prayers was placed in our arms - red, warm, and screaming at the top of her lungs. As I kissed her little head for the first time, the tears flowed and my heart felt whole, complete. Those blue eyes met mine, and I was forever changed.

Our miracle grew, and every day was filled with new wonders and delight, and now today, as my baby woke with sweet cries, I found myself staring at a beautiful one year old. 

One year - filled to overflowing with thanksgiving and praise.

Thank you, my sweet Evelyn.
All I need to do is look at you, and God's power is shown.
You are proof that God still heals, God still performs miracles.
You are evidence that my body is healed.
You give hope to others.
Your smile, with those two dimples, lights up everyone's day. Even strangers are impacted by the beautiful creation that you are, and through your smile and joy, you point them to Jesus.
You truly are the meaning of your name - life. You've brought life to my soul, and I pray that as you grow, you will bring life to others through the hope of Jesus Christ. 
You are joy.
Every morning when you wake up, as you wave and sweetly say "hi," you remind me that His mercies are new every morning.
I see the transformation that has happened in daddy, through you, through God. And my heart is so overwhelmed.
You have changed me. 
Because of you, I believe.
You have taught me grace, when I most desperately need it. You extend it to me. When I feel like I'm failing as a mother, or question my purpose, you point me back to Him.
When I doubt if this is truly a high calling, you show me it is the highest.
You have taught me true thankfulness.
Your little whispers of "da-da-da-ta-ta-ta" are life to my soul.
You have made me want to be a better person. And I am today, because of you. 
You have made me laugh until tears pour down my face.
You exhaust me, and I sleep so well at night, because of all the fun we have during the day. 
You have brought your daddy and I together like never before in our marriage.
You are teaching me how important it is for our home to be a haven of peace and rest.
As you went from sitting to crawling to walking, you show me the beauty of transformation.
You have changed my prayers, my outlook, my perspective, my relationship with Him.
You have changed this heart of mine into a mother's heart. 
You show me patience.
Your strong will, persistence, and stubbornness are going to be some of your greatest strengths, as God cultivates them. 
Your laugh makes my heart leap.
Your toothy grin is the best medicine on a hard day. 
Through you, God has revealed greater things and deeper transformation.
I know God's calling on your life is huge, my sweet girl. You are going to do amazing things in this life, you already have in mine. 

Happy birthday, my precious miracle, my little pumpkin. I love you.

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