Whew! We've had quite the full week here at our house...
First, we were brought to TCBY after Saturday night church. This was our first visit, and I thought it was just the typical yogurt shop. But let me tell you, they have totally revamped their concept. It is self-serve frozen yogurt with about 12 flavors to choose from and then all the toppings that you can think of - ranging from crushed up candies to fresh fruit. It is amazing. For my first round, I did the whole chocolate/vanilla yogurt with tons of chocolatey toppings. Round two consisted of fruity yogurt topped with fresh fruit. Hey, it's the only time in my life where I can have two rounds of TCBY in one sitting and not feel guilty or unhealthy. And Evelyn must love ice cream - she kicks like crazy any time I eat it - must be the cold dairy. Anyways, it was amazing, and it will most definitely be a regular stop for us. And it is a great place to go with friends!
Sunday was my last morning on the worship team. It was somewhat bittersweet, but I have a complete peace about it. I have been on a worship team for churches consistently since I was 16. Wow, that's ten years. It has been an incredible ministry to be a part of. I have made amazing friendships along the way, and I have seen God move, felt His Holy Spirit pour down through musical worship. But God has now closed that door. I don't feel like I need to go into any great detail, but I fully believe that it is time for us, husband and wife, to step down. And I've come to realize that the pregnancy has nothing to do with it - we would be in the same place and feeling the same way regardless if I was pregnant or not. So I truly believe that God has closed that door for now. Will He ever open it again? Maybe, maybe not. For now, we just rest in Him and wait for Him to tell us if and when we will be on the worship team at our church.
We went to our breastfeeding class together. The teacher was a RN and lactation consultant at the hospital, and she was really sweet. She covered a lot, and I think we both learned a lot. It was good to have hubby with me, to be my support, because he is a part of this too, even if he doesn't have functioning boobs, haha! I feel motivated and excited to breastfeed, and I know I can be confident in doing it! I think it is one of the greatest things that a mommy can do for her child. I'm just praying that it all goes as smoothly as possible, and that I don't let frustrations set in, especially in the first couple of weeks.
Sunday afternoon was gorgeous. Perfect weather for our maternity photo shoot! Our dear friend, Amick Cutler, is an incredibly gifted photographer. I HIGHLY recommend him for any photos or design work that you need done. We had so much fun shooting at various locations around Pensacola. Let me just say that I probably will sound incredibly biased in the next statement, but I believe it's the truth: our photos are probably the best maternity photos I have ever seen. Ever. They are so creative and beautiful. Thank you, Amick and Christy. It was an honor to have you take our maternity photos!! I LOVE THEM!!! (you can get a preview of our photos here.)
Today I had my 34 week appointment. Everything, once again, was great. I am so thankful. My weight was up....to 162 pounds. Which means I have hit the 40 pound weight gain mark. I still have 6 weeks to go. Oh dear. Oh my. But here's good news - I don't have any stretch marks! Hooray! The doctor once again didn't seem to concerned about the weight gain, but he did think that I am retaining water, and that by my next appointment, I may lose or maintain my current weight because of the water retention. It could be water retention, (my rings aren't fitting so well anymore and my sandals leave indentations) but I'm not convinced the weight gain is all attributed to that - I think part of it has to do with the huge plate of pasta and four pieces of bread and cake that I ate last night...My hubby was more than pleased that I have gained even more weight - it puts a smile on his face every time I step on the scale. My tummy measured at 33cm, which is still on the smaller end, but is considered great! And, my blood pressure was back up to its normal 120/80. The doctor felt for where Evelyn is positioned, and she is definitely head down. He said that she will most likely not move from this position. And, I was delighted to hear that from here on out, if I were to start contracting, Dr. S would not do anything to stop it. He said that after 34 weeks, she is perfectly ready to make her entrance! Our next appointment is in two weeks at 36 weeks, and he will start checking my cervix for dilation. I cannot believe that we are already at this place - the reality is that she is coming, and coming very soon! Within the next six weeks!!!!
Last, but certainly not least, my shower is Saturday!!! I am so So So SO excited. My dearest girlfriends have been busy planning and preparing, and I know that it is going to be amazing. I think that they have been working too hard - I feel like I should be helping in some way, but they just keep telling me that all I need to do is show up. It is going to be incredible to be surrounded by those who love me, love Evelyn, and have been praying for us throughout our journey and through every step of the pregnancy.
Love to you all!!!
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