Friday, September 23, 2011

Her Name Means "Life"....

Five years ago, long before Michael and I started to think about "trying" to get pregnant, a name came to us. We've held on to that name since. We considered others, but we just kept coming back to the original name. I believe that name was given to us by our Savior. Little did we know back then what we were going to face in trying to fulfill our dream of a child.

Two years of "trying," two years of pain. I felt like a failure. My body was broken and it could not produce a child. Every other woman in the world seemed to be fine, their bodies worked, their bodies produced life. I felt inadequate, like a let down, especially to my husband. I questioned God every single step of the way. Every treatment cycle brought more negatives, more pain, and more money spent. I had given up hope. But we have a God of hope. He is our hope, He is our healer, and our story is evidence of that. 

So we come to the here and now, where as I sit, I can feel our beautiful unborn child move throughout my tummy. She is a miracle. She is living proof of how great our God is. And in around 7 weeks, we will be able to see her face to face, we will be able to see the gift of life.


Her name means life. We didn't even know that until we looked up the meaning after I became pregnant with her. 


How amazing is that? God knew long before she was a twinkle, a thought, a dream, what we were going to go through to get her. The very meaning of her name is the very thing we prayed for, the very thing that we spent months and months for on our knees. 


And so, I am proud to share with you, our beautiful miracle's name, given by God, is...

Evelyn Rae


  1. I LOVE her name and love the meaning even more. What a precious gift she is :) Can't wait to hold sweet Evelyn Rae!!!

  2. Hey Mike and Rachel!

    What a beautiful name you've chosen! I can't wait to see her pictures in 7 weeks! :-) Hopefully I'll get to meet her in person one day too!!!

    Love, Jessica
