Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I Did It

I did it.

I submitted my resignation letter.

As of June 5 2012, I will be a full time stay at home mommy.

It is a relief, feels like I can breathe, like a weight is lifted.

My husband and I have spent much time weighing both sides, and really seeing what is best for us. And the reasons to stay home outweighed to reasons to keep working for the school district.
Little reasons, like...
           It's a 45 minute drive to work.
           I don't feel safe in the community where work is.
           What about childcare? I have a great friend who does it now, but that's not long term.
            Daycare is expensive.
           I feel more like I'm babysitting that teaching.
           Music in the public schools is slowly dying, on it's way out...
And then the biggest reason of all...
          I want to have no regrets. 
          I need to be home with her.
          She is worth it.

It will be a financial adjustment, but we can do it. I am committed to stop my ridiculous spending habits, (more on that to come later...) because she is worth it.

In these early years, early months, I don't want to be away from her. I feel like I'm missing too much. 

As she grows and becomes of school age, I would love to go back to teaching! 

This decision is for me, and for me alone. God has led me in this decision. I am not going to sit here and preach that every mommy needs to stay home with their children - because that is a lie. God leads each and every one of us differently, and He leads us in different decisions and different lifestyles. And He has His divine reasons for it. So staying home with Evelyn is best for me and is where God is leading, but it may not be best for you and it may not be where God wants you to be.

And those of you who do work outside of the home, I am proud of you. I applaud you. It is a task that is certainly not easy or for the faint of heart. Not everyone can do it or is meant to do it.

So here's to a new adventure! Six weeks left of the school year!!!

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