Thursday, July 28, 2011


We aren't supposed to talk about it...

Yes, I'm talking politics.

We are saturated whether we choose it or not, with the media and all of the debates. Left, right, Republican, Democrat, Conservative, Liberal.

I will admit that I am, for the most part, very conservative. I look at our founding father's faith and the original intent of our country's documents, and see that our country's birth was fueled by not just a faith, but a belief, a trust, a reliance upon Jesus Christ. And I like to make my political decisions based on that - my faith in God. 

I was the one, oh yes, that person, who loved to talk politics, debate, and exercise my freedom of speech. I even was a political science major for a time in college. I would yell at the television, listen to talk radio, and get all riled up. 

But I've changed. I believe it's a change for the better

You see, I've come to realize that it is out of my control. Yes, I will exercise my freedom to vote and make my voice heard, but stressing and raising my blood pressure isn't going to change anything. That doesn't mean that I don't care, I still care deeply. But, God has ordained every single thing that happens. God has put in place, chosen Himself, every single person in office. And as believers in Christ, we know that there will be turmoil that gains momentum as the world continues to age and reach its end. Everything, all of it, is in God's master plan.

Yes, it is so sad and upsetting to see the moral descent and backsliding of our great nation, and is horrific to see laws passed that completely go against God's word and commands. Moral depravity seems now to be common. And, we know that "Blessed is the nation whose god is The LORD." And as America continues to remove God, we will see God remove His blessing. As believers, it is our time to truly come together as the church, be the church that He desires, and fight for our faith. We were born for such a time as this.

Getting in political fights, yelling at each other, and screaming at the television, and obsessing over it is not going to change a thing. You have your right to opinions, and I have my right to my opinions. But lets show the nation the love of God, through our actions, through our speech. And perhaps we will start to see that change that we so desire.

Let's not waste our time worrying about tomorrow; let tomorrow worry about itself. As I said before, God has ordained everything that is going to happen, and we know that in the end times, it is only going to get worse for us as believers. Persecution will come. We will be questioned, we will be beaten, we will be bruised, we will be martyred. But at the right time, God will give us the right response, the right words, if only we seek Him for it.

This has just been on my mind over the past days, and I hope you can see my heart. I do care about current events, but I care more greatly about God's redemptive plan and work in it all. We do not put our trust in our leaders and in our country's status and events, but in HIM alone.

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