Monday, July 18, 2011

Six Months

If I could sum up in two words how I am feeling today, it would be


I had my 24 week appointment today. Yes, that is 6 months!
(technically I will be 24 weeks on Wednesday.)

I truly am loving being pregnant. I love every moment, everything about it. But it is going by too fast! I just feel that I am going to blink my eye, and we will be delivering at the hospital. Then I blink again, and our sweet girl will be off to kindergarten. Time flying by, especially with the pregnancy, reminds me of the verse in the Bible where it says that we are but a vapor, a moment. Lord, help me to use my time wisely and really soak in every moment, and never wish time to pass, or go quickly.

All of my vitals and stats looked great, once again, and I am so thankful. I did gain 10 pounds since my last appointment (10 pounds in four weeks, WOW!), but the doctor was not concerned at all. He said that since I was underweight to begin with, this is very good and normal, especially during the sixth month. So, my weight gain to date is 20 pounds, which puts me at 142 pounds. Where is it all going? I don't feel 20 pounds heavier, and I am carrying a small belly. But, I have noticed that my butt and thighs seem to be expanding, especially when I put on pants. And speaking of that, none of my bottoms fit anymore. I have officially made the switch to maternity clothes. I am much more comfortable when I wear them too. 

I was delighted when they pulled out the doppler, because I did not know we were going to listen at this appointment. So, I again heard the most incredible, most beautiful sound in the world - her heartbeat. It was easy to find, loud and clear, and most definitely strong, beating in the 150s. 

Sadly, Michael was not able to join me at this appointment. He has never missed an appointment, and has no intentions of missing any. But, a business trip to Shanghai kind of got in the way. So, I had to be a big girl and go on my own. But, we have a skype date tonight so I can fill him in on all of the details.

We signed up for all of our classes at the hospitals - prepared childbirth, breastfeeding, and newborn parenting. Our Monday nights for the next 2 and a half months will be learning all there is to learn! I am so excited about these classes, and I know Michael is too. I'm positive we will learn a lot. 

I have my first shower on Thursday! I am so excited! It will be mostly family, and my dear Aunt Missy, who I grew up with and consider a second mother to me, will be throwing it for me. Can't wait!

Six months! I still can't believe it!!

Love to you all...

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