Thursday, July 7, 2011

Take Heart

Music has a way to express what we feel when we ourselves do not know how to express it. Music makes us cry, feel happy and sad, dance, worship. Music moves us to a place that most other things cannot move us to. Throughout the Bible we see music, and how it was used to praise our Creator. What an incredible form of worship, to play sweet things and sing beautiful songs back to Him who made it all. The Israelites sang praises to God; David played instruments and danced before the Lord. In 2 Chronicles 20, we see how the worshippers were sent out on the front lines of battle, and how the Israelites singing ultimately defeated their enemies. Throughout Scripture, we find that we are told to sing and play our instruments before the Lord. I love how Psalms even says to address God loudly! We worship God through music. I believe He speaks back to us through music. Just look at all of the beautifully written hymns, songs, contemporary songs. There is no way the authors of those songs did it themselves - they are God-breathed and created to speak to us with perfect words at the perfect moment. 

There is a newer Hillsong song that I believe will speak to you. It speaks to me every time I sing it and hear it. The words are rich and full of truth, and I pray it blesses you.

There is a light, it burns brighter than the sun
He steals the night, and casts no shadow.
There is a hope
Should oceans rise and mountains fall
He never fails

So take heart
Let his love lead us through the night
Hold on to hope
And take courage again

In death by love, the fallen world was overcome
He wears the scars of our freedom
In His name, all our fears are swept away
He never fails

All our troubles and all our tears
God our hope, He has overcome
All our failure and all our fears
God our love, He has overcome
All our heartache and all our pain
God our healer, He has overcome
All our burdens and all our shame
God our freedom, He has overcome
All our failures and all our fear
God our love, He has overcome
God our justice, God our grace
God our freedom, He has overcome
God our refuge and God our strength

Amen and amen! He HAS overcome! Not He will overcome. He already has! Everything, all of it, the past, present, and future, He has overcome it all. All of your pain, all of your "why's." Be strong, take heart, be courageous - He is our overcomer. 

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