Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Third Trimester...Here We Come!!!

Ready or not, it's here! The third trimester!! I know I've said it time and time again, but I cannot believe how fast this pregnancy is going! To think that in 12 weeks or less we will be holding our sweet baby - it is just incredible!

We had our 28 week appointment today, and everything looks wonderful. I have gained 26 pounds as of today, and I honestly couldn't feel better. Baby girl was moving around so much that they had a hard time keeping the doppler on her heartbeat! She has been moving around more and more. It was hilarious, last night, we were sitting on the couch and my stomach was literally rippling like waves. My tummy is measuring at 27 cm, which is perfect! At this stage in pregnancy, I should be between 26 and 30 cm. So, I am happy to be on the smaller end of that. Nine and ten pound babies run in my family, but it looks like (hopefully, please) she won't be that big! My glucose tolerance test and other blood work came back completely normal. I am so thankful that I don't have to deal with gestational diabetes or anything like that! Also at our appointment, we had to watch a video on epidurals. Michael and I both feel that it will be the best way to manage the pain of labor and delivery, especially with my back being the way it is - we've put it in our birth plan. So, now I will see the doctor every two weeks, as I get further and further along.
I started back at work yesterday, and it was a lot of fun to be back. I'm really looking forward to a paycheck again, even if it is part time. Not being paid for the past 3 months has been quite the adjustment, and I've definitely made mistakes along the way. But hey, I am still learning! Many teachers and co-workers did not know that I was pregnant, so it was fun to show up and have my belly be a BIG surprise. They are all so excited for me! I hope to work as long as I can before baby comes, until I feel uncomfortable. And work has been so flexible and relaxed about it, telling me that I can leave and come back whenever I need to. 

Monday evening, we went to our first prepared childbirth class that they do at Sacred Heart. There were 8 other couples, and we actually really enjoyed ourselves. Being the planner and nerd that I am, I love to know everything that I can ahead of time and be educated. And I think it is really good for Michael - he said he learned a lot just out of the first class. There are seven classes total, so that will occupy our Monday evenings for the next several weeks. 

My grandmother couldn't attend my shower in Wisconsin, but she sent us a beautiful gift - the pack & play we registered for! It arrived on our doorstep last week, and Michael was able to put it together over the weekend. And I must say, it is the Cadillac of pack & plays. It has a bassinet and changing table that you can put on top, and it plays music and vibrates - it's awesome! We also decided to mount and try out our really cool video camera monitor. That thing is incredible. I can listen, watch, and talk to the baby all through the monitor. I can even pan the camera all over the baby room! Sweet!

I want to thank you for praying about my back pain that I wrote about in my previous post. Thankfully and incredibly, I had no pain last night and was able to get a good night's sleep. I definitely could feel the prayers from everyone, and I know that God eased my pain. So thank you. You are a blessing. And, it is an incredible blessing and feeling to know that when I ask for prayer, you, my dear ones, actually do it! 
I love you all.  

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