I wanted to give you all a recap as to what happened over the days that we found out, and so that I can remember everything since it is fresh on my mind.
On Wednesday, March 2nd, early in the morning, I went in to NewLIFE for a blood pregnancy test. I was so worried that it was too soon, and that perhaps I could get a false positive or negative. I voiced my concerns to the nurses, and they reassured me that there was no way that I could get a false positive. If it came back positive, it definitely was. I felt better, but I just "knew" I wasn't pregnant.
I went back to work and waited for the phone to ring. My phone did ring, around 11:20, but I couldn't answer it because I was teaching a class. My class ended at 11:30, and I immediately went to my car and called NewLIFE back. My nurse Kendall was in lunch, but she still was able to take my call, thank God! She said "Just a minute let me get your chart." During the pause, I once again told myself to expect a negative. She came back on the phone and said "It's positive." Short pause, and finally I said "Are you serious?" She said "yes!" I replied, "I just wasn't expecting that!!!" Then she proceeded to tell me that I needed to come back in Friday morning for the same blood test, to make sure my hCG levels were increasing. My head was spinning as I hung up the phone. Tears were streaming down my face and my hands were shaking. I even looked in the mirror and saw that my chest was broken out in red hives! I immediately called my husband. I truly wanted to be able to tell him in person so I could see his face and revel in the moment, but he had been waiting for the news, too. He answered the phone, and I played it really cool until I finally said, "Well..." and then my voice broke into sobs as I barely got out "It's positive!" I wish I could've seen his reaction. Just hearing it was incredible, something I'll never forget. The tone of his voice immediately changed and he said things like "Wow, really? Oh my goodness! Oh babe, I have tears in my eyes!" It was such a sweet time over the phone together. After I got off the phone with him, I then called Christy and Jessica to deliver the news that they had been waiting on all morning, too! We rejoiced together, and I thanked them for their constant prayers and asked them to keep praying for that little miracle.
I couldn't go back to work. I had finished teaching all of my classes anyways, so I stayed in my car and left. On the way home, I stopped at Target to get some at home pregnancy tests. I wanted to see those pink lines! And, two pink lines I did see later that afternoon!
Michael was committed to doing the youth worship that night, so I waited at home for him, watching the clock move so slowly. I couldn't wait to see him! He finally came home, walked through the door and said "Hi, Mommy." It was such a sweet moment for us. As a side note, some of the sweetest moments that I absolutely love is when hubby puts his hands on my belly and talks to the baby. I love it so much! We have been praying for this for so long!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I went in again to NewLIFE on Friday. The wait from Wednesday to Friday actually wasn't that bad, but those days were spent pretty much begging God for my hCG numbers to shoot way up! Once again, after the blood was drawn, I got a phone call from Kendall about 4 hours later. She said my levels looked awesome! She also told me that none of them at the clinic were expecting a positive either, so they were all very surprised!
I breathed a sigh of relief. I felt a weight off of my shoulders and felt that I truly could celebrate now!
Later that night, we did celebrate! We went to Shark Fin with our closest friends. I was so excited to see them! They are so wise, and I pretty much hung on every word that they had to say about pregnancy. I love then dearly and I am so thankful for them!
So now, I go back in to NewLIFE on March 29th at 9am, where we will be able to see the baby via ultrasound and hear the heartbeat! From there, NewLIFE will send us to my OB/GYN, Dr. Sontag. Three weeks to go! I pray it goes fast! Our March is insane, so I think it will go fast, and the 29th will be here quickly!
We definitely are not telling anyone right now. Only a handful of people know, and we want to keep it that way for a while.
I have been feeling a few symptoms. On Wednesday, I was exhausted. On Thursday, I had cramps all day. This worried me, but apparently that is completely normal. On Saturday, my sense of smell went through the roof and at church on Sunday, I thought I was going to pass out with all of the perfumes I was smelling. And today (Monday), my boobs are really sore. Oh, and I did come down with a cold (brought on by my horrible allergies) on Sunday night. Not fun at all. Be praying that I heal quickly!
On Sunday to kill some time, Michael and I walked around the baby aisles at Target. We had some fun and went through a little sticker shock as far as the pricing goes! We bought a baby names book and have found it to be really fun reading material, especially the names that you would NEVER name your child.
So it has been a fun, seemingly unreal past week. As I stated before, I still have a hard time believing that this is all happening! Perhaps it will sink in when we see the baby, hear the heartbeat, and see a little growing baby bump.
On a different note, I don't feel like we "conquered" infertility just because I am now pregnant. Michael and I talked about this yesterday. Infertility is something that we will always carry. It is a part of who we are. It is a journey that we never signed up to be on, but it is our journey nonetheless. It has drawn us together as a couple and challenged our relationship on many levels. I will always be able to relate to couples and know exactly what they are going through. I understand the depression, anxiety, and ugly path that infertility has to offer. But I can look and see that God is using this horrific experience of infertility for good. It has changed my relationship with Him - It has brought me closer to Him. I came to the end of my rope and I realize that I need Him.
As for you, you meant evil against me, but God turned it into good.
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