Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Today, I'm Thankful For...

Knowing that God makes all things new

A cranberry limeade from Sonic

Barbecues and pool parties

The FL heat. Yes, I said the heat. I've survived too many nasty cold winters to complain about the heat

A coffee date with a dear friend

A loving glance and wink from my husband

A pedicure where the best part was conversation, advice, and wisdom from a godly best friend. I am blessed by her and so thankful.

A flutter that I think might be baby moving

An encouraging and supportive conversation with my boss, which ended in her telling me "I love you."

A friend asking how the pregnancy is going

Blogs that encourage, inspire, and remind me that I am only human and we all really have the same struggles

A beautiful card in the mail - beautiful because of what was hand written inside

My relationship with my parents

Walking around all afternoon with a sweet two year old's hand slipped in mine, and how that makes my heart soar every time.

A smile from a friend. No words needed or had to be spoken

My clothes getting tighter and tighter

Someone asking me how I was, and really interested in how I really, truly am doing

A song sung or played at the perfect time

An email full of a dear friend's heart

Plane tickets to see my family who are so far away


The last week of school

Being reminded that the best is yet to come

Snuggling by the pool in our towels

That still, small voice that sometimes is a gentle whisper or a great shout

What are you thankful for today?

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