Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Festive Festivities!

The party is now over, her birthday has come and gone. 
And now my little baby is one year old!
We had a wonderful day celebrating her birthday with our family and closest friends.

I'll tell you all about it through photos...

 She loved her birthday outfit! 

 Lots of love from Grammie & Pop-pop and Grandma Bev!

 She covered herself in pink frosting

And then we celebrated her actual birthday by trick-or-treating with Evelyn's friends!

I still haven't taken down the photo banners and pink hanging tissue balls and orbs....they are so cute! 

It was so incredible to have Grammie & Pop-pop stay with us for over a week, and my dear Evelyn got so attached. She still looks for them when I ask where they are. Evelyn was able to get lots of love from them, and I was able to soak up some much needed alone time with them. And my mom is amazing - I wouldn't have been able to put on the party without her!

I had to take Evelyn in to the doctor, not for her one year appointment, but because she has a cold - the first sickness she's ever had! Poor girl has a rattly cough and stuffy nose, but it's just a cold. While we were at the doctor's, we discovered that she's cutting her molars, which is probably contributing to some of her discomfort with this cold.
Oh, and she now weighs a whopping 19 pounds! :)

My little girl is quite the social bug, she loves waving at everyone and saying in the sweetest high pitched voice "hi!" She loves to wave at big trucks and helicopters, too. 
She is in love with this soft pink bear that she calls her "baby," and loves to hug and kiss it. She even says "baby!" And she says "daddy" a lot. She doesn't say "Mommy" much, but don't worry, my feelings aren't hurt! 

I'd like to write more, but that's all for now, because I'm battling a nasty cold, too. My poor husband, he has to deal with both of his ladies being sick! Pray for us, will you?

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


One year.

One year ago, the answer to our prayers was placed in our arms - red, warm, and screaming at the top of her lungs. As I kissed her little head for the first time, the tears flowed and my heart felt whole, complete. Those blue eyes met mine, and I was forever changed.

Our miracle grew, and every day was filled with new wonders and delight, and now today, as my baby woke with sweet cries, I found myself staring at a beautiful one year old. 

One year - filled to overflowing with thanksgiving and praise.

Thank you, my sweet Evelyn.
All I need to do is look at you, and God's power is shown.
You are proof that God still heals, God still performs miracles.
You are evidence that my body is healed.
You give hope to others.
Your smile, with those two dimples, lights up everyone's day. Even strangers are impacted by the beautiful creation that you are, and through your smile and joy, you point them to Jesus.
You truly are the meaning of your name - life. You've brought life to my soul, and I pray that as you grow, you will bring life to others through the hope of Jesus Christ. 
You are joy.
Every morning when you wake up, as you wave and sweetly say "hi," you remind me that His mercies are new every morning.
I see the transformation that has happened in daddy, through you, through God. And my heart is so overwhelmed.
You have changed me. 
Because of you, I believe.
You have taught me grace, when I most desperately need it. You extend it to me. When I feel like I'm failing as a mother, or question my purpose, you point me back to Him.
When I doubt if this is truly a high calling, you show me it is the highest.
You have taught me true thankfulness.
Your little whispers of "da-da-da-ta-ta-ta" are life to my soul.
You have made me want to be a better person. And I am today, because of you. 
You have made me laugh until tears pour down my face.
You exhaust me, and I sleep so well at night, because of all the fun we have during the day. 
You have brought your daddy and I together like never before in our marriage.
You are teaching me how important it is for our home to be a haven of peace and rest.
As you went from sitting to crawling to walking, you show me the beauty of transformation.
You have changed my prayers, my outlook, my perspective, my relationship with Him.
You have changed this heart of mine into a mother's heart. 
You show me patience.
Your strong will, persistence, and stubbornness are going to be some of your greatest strengths, as God cultivates them. 
Your laugh makes my heart leap.
Your toothy grin is the best medicine on a hard day. 
Through you, God has revealed greater things and deeper transformation.
I know God's calling on your life is huge, my sweet girl. You are going to do amazing things in this life, you already have in mine. 

Happy birthday, my precious miracle, my little pumpkin. I love you.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


It's only 11 am, but today, as I emptied the dish washer, vacuumed the floors, made my smoothie, changed yet another diaper and wiped another tear, I've had some overwhelming feelings....

Yesterday, I blogged about our desire to have more children. And honestly, it was weighing heavy that entire day. Today, that desire remains, but that heavy feeling has been replaced by peace. I feel free of it. I know my God is bigger, I know my God is greater. I look at my sweet baby and see that I've already been healed. As my wise and godly mother said, "God will provide the way..." 

I woke up to sounds of chatter from Evelyn, and as I went to go snuggle my almost-one-year-old-baby, I was reminded to relish in these moments, because they are moments that will be gone like a vapor. She will continue to grow into the godly, world-changing miracle that she has been called to be. So I relish with all of my heart in the here and now, in every smile, every tear, every snuggle, every laugh, wave, kiss and chatter.  

I am so full of thanks for what God is doing - there's a lyric that keeps running in my head - "He's doing a new thing, so we're singing a new song."

Miracles of life.
Do you need to be reminded that God still heals, that He still works miracles? That "signs and wonders" still do happen? I suggest you visit a few stories...not just stories, but accounts of living, breathing people, my friends. You can read about Christy, Jessica, and myself

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

So, Do You Want Another Baby?

I've been hearing the above question from time to time.
And my answer is, without a doubt, yes.

I think some people ask that because of a few reasons:
  • they're wondering if I've been scared off from having more due to the work and sheer exhaustion from the last 12 months.
  • they think everyone should "be fruitful and multiply" as much as possible, as often as possible
  • they're wondering if I still have fertility issues, and if that scares me
  • they're just being nosey
No, I was not scared off - it has been a lot of work, but the best work ever.
Yes, I agree with being fruitful and multiplying, in the way that God is leading me.
Yes, infertility scares me. If I think about it too much, I feel like I can't breathe. 
And, it's okay to be nosey, I am too. Except I don't like it when people I don't even know think it's okay to ask such personal questions!

Michael and I have both said, a lot lately, that we would love it if I were pregnant right now. It is our desire to have more children! I play out time scenarios in my head - like, if I got pregnant now, our children would be 22 months apart, or, if I get pregnant in 2 months, they will be two years apart... If it were my plans, my hands, I'd be pregnant now...but I cannot keep doing that to myself and my family. I am daily releasing it, asking God to hold it in His hands...Surrender...

I am not sure what is happening with my body and cycle right now. I'm still breastfeeding, so my hormones are crazy, and I have not had a patterned cycle that even hints at ovulation.

I could walk right back in to that fertility clinic, and I'm sure they could get me on more "treatment" plans that would turn me into a crazy woman once again...and my flesh says "do it."

But my soul, my spirit, both say no. I just can't.

Right now, where I am at today.

I have a peace, a solid feeling, a confirmation, to just pray. 

Trust God.

And I am asking you to pray. Pray for my body, to do what it was made to do. Pray for my emotions, for my spirit, for my husband. Pray for my daughter - thank God for the blessing and miracle that she is, and pray that we soak up and enjoy this time as an "only child." Pray that the Lord gives us another child. Stand in the gap for me when I doubt. Lift my hands when I cannot lift them on my own. Claim healing, claim His promises over me.

Hi, Friends!

Monday, October 1, 2012

11 Months

My Lil Pumpkin is 11 months old.

I'm not sure I am ready to come to terms with the fact that she will be one year old in just a few short weeks. It's bittersweet, because all the new things that she's doing and discovering are so much fun, but time is just going by too fast. All those people that tell you that you blink and your child is grown - they are right. 

She now has six teeth! Four on top, two on the bottom. I love her toothy smiles, but the teeth really change her looks - she's losing her baby look, and becoming a toddler.

Speaking of toddling, she took her first steps a few weeks ago! And now she is walking all over the house, and has gotten so good at it. My business and tiredness has gone to a whole new level now. Nap times are a must - for her and me!

I am so excited to say that we had her ears pierced. They look so stinkin cute on her. So girly. She did great during the healing process, but the poor girl cried and cried after she got them done. I think everyone in that doctor's office thought she was being tortured or something!

All of the little new things that she does brings such joy to my heart, like - drinking from a sippy cup, pointing with her little finger, turning lights on and off, pushing the garage door button, patting me on the back, waving her hands at everyone, and clicking her tongue. She is definitely a talker, and loves to yell and scream. I haven't heard any words yet, but she definitely can tell a story using her own words - I often laugh because it sounds like she's speaking in tongues, you never know, right?

At her last check up, she weighed 17 pounds, 13 ounces, and was 29 inches long. She's very long and lean. And that would explain why all of her pants are too short and too loose around the waist.

I am currently surrounded by a million pink projects for her birthday party. The theme is "pretty in pink" and there is going to be so much pink everywhere! I am so excited to be able to celebrate her life, to celebrate the beautiful gift that God has given us!

Aaaaand my child is adorable. Look at those eyes!


Monday, August 13, 2012

Did God Really Say?

Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, "Did God really say 'you must not eat from any tree in the garden?'"
Genesis 3:1

Satan knew exactly what he was doing when he asked Eve that question. It ultimately led to the fall of man. 

I think one of the biggest ways that Satan can attack us is with doubt and unbelief about what God has said to us in His word. We begin to blur the lines and black and white become gray, and we start to think "Did God really say that?" We especially see an increase of this in our culture and society, and even in the American church. 

Did God really say?.......
  • That He heals?
  • That miracles, signs and wonders will follow His believers?
  • That He knit me together in my mother's womb?
  • That He knows me better than I know myself?
  • That love is the greatest command?
  • That homosexuality is a sin?
  • That adultery is a sin, and that even a glance and thought is adulterous?
  • That we are to lay hands on the sick and heal in His name?
  • That my identity is found in Him?
  • That every life is precious?
  • That He loves me more than I can comprehend, no matter what?
  • That grace covers all?
  • That He created the world?
  • That we are given the Holy Spirit?
  • That we are to honor, respect, and pray for our husbands?
  • That a nation is blessed when God is Yahweh?
  • That we are to expectantly wait on and hope in the Lord?
  • That He keeps His promises?
  • That He knows what's best?
  • That He is faithful?
  • That He knows the plans He has for me?

Yes, yes, and yes! He said those things, He is who He says He is, and His word will not return void! There is no blur, no gray. He is truth.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Catching Up

I feel like I have a lot of catching up to do. I've neglected my blog for over a month now! So I apologize if the following is a lot of random points, but I just need to get it all out...  :)

Our life has been what I like to call "quietly busy." I feel like we've been doing a lot, but honestly, it has been pretty quiet. I think I feel so busy because I am constantly chasing my little girl who does the super fast crawl all over the entire house.

Speaking of that busy little girl, she is growing and changing every day. The other day she threw her first fit. Oh yes, the fists clenched and tears flowing and shaking both of her arms type of fit. Over a piece of lint that I wouldn't let her eat. I had to laugh, which made her cry louder. She is just so stinkin cute, it's hard not to smile! She has been testing her limits everywhere, by hearing "no" and still doing it, she even looks at me and waits for the "no" and then continues on her merry way to disobedience. She has a strong will, which when cultivated, will be one of her strongest traits. Every day, I ask the Lord for guidance. It is no easy task, training up a child, and so I ask the Holy Spirit to guide every step and every decision I make as a parent.

Our July was full of trips, first to Jacksonville and then to Wisconsin. Both were great trips, and we were able to soak up lots of family time. The two day drive there and back from Wisconsin was grueling, but totally worth it. It was so sweet to see Evelyn playing with all of her cousins and giggling at her aunties and uncles. And of course, soaking up all the snuggles with grammie and grampie. It was such a sweet time to be all together. I just love my family so much. I am so blessed by them, and so incredibly thankful. Which made it very difficult to once again say goodbye. Thank the Lord for Skype, texting, and phone calls.

As I said before, Evelyn is crawling in full force all over the house, and is also pulling up on everything. She even occasionally stands on her own for a second or two! We got her a little walker that she can push and practice walking, and she does a pretty good job! She is cutting more teeth, this time three on top! Those little teeth are so cute, and she is constantly drooling or chewing on things to find some relief.

Her separation anxiety is at its worst. Most days, if I am not in her sights at all times, she will cry the saddest cry ever! Even daddy hasn't been able to help! I still haven't been able to put her in the nursery at church, but I know that when I finally do, it will be so good for her.

Earlier this week, I started to worry. Evelyn was sneezing, had a runny nose, red eyes, and some congestion. She's never had a cold before, never been sick before! I was prepared to wake up this morning to her having a full blown cold, but she is happy as ever and her symptoms have not worsened. There's power in prayer, people!!!

Evelyn turned nine months old last week. Which means party planning is in full swing. And I am totally in denial that she will be one in a few short months. I can honestly say that I am having a hard time with realizing that we only have a little time left of breastfeeding. I enjoy it so much, but it has to come to an end. She's growing into a big girl and will soon be ready to eat all big girl foods. I can accept it, but I can still be a little sad about it.

The other day, I sat down with a dear friend, and we shared our hearts with each other as we fed our daughters lunch. Such sweet moments. As we talked about wanting more children and dealing with fears that come along with that, she reminded me that I am healed. Evelyn is evidence of that healing. So there is no fear in claiming that I desire more children. It was only by God that I was able to conceive Evelyn. I so needed that reminder.

While we were in Wisconsin, Michael and I both received texts/phone calls from some of our dear friends. It was such a precious reminder to us that we have made our home in Florida, and that we are loved and there for a reason. It is always difficult saying goodbye to my family, especially as we've felt feelings of loneliness and isolation. So to be told that we are loved and missed came at the perfect time, and those people have no idea how much we both needed that.

I know I've said it before, but I am so thankful for the people God places in my life. My family, my lifelong friends. No matter where in life, busy or calm, lonely and isolated, joy or anguish, these precious few will always be there. I know that if I needed anything, these few that I can count on one hand, they would be there in a heartbeat. I do not need tons of surface level relationships; I need those precious few that speak life into me, pray for me, keep me accountable, and ooze Jesus. And I hope and pray that I can be the same for them. Jesus had his 12 disciples, and even out of those 12, he had a few that he was even closer to. So to me, it is incredibly biblical and God-honoring to draw near to the ones He places in my life. And I must say that we should be happy for our fellow believers when they find these relationships. There should be no room for jealousy or accusation. These relationships are God-ordained, God-breathed, for exactly the right time. There is no coincidence.

God has really been speaking to me over the past couple of days about worship, and what that looks like when we fully and recklessly praise Him. I grew up in a great church that truly established a firm, Biblical foundation for my faith. I am incredibly thankful for my family and for that church and school. Our corporate worship was generally structured, with an opening upbeat song, followed by a greeting, followed by three more songs. People stood when they were asked to stand, and sat when they were asked to sit. We clapped our hands. Some people even lifted their hands. And that was about it. And it was simply okay. But I always questioned it, and wondered if there was more to this worship experience. Was I an observer or an active participator?

My husband and I were led to be involved in worship bands at the churches that we've attended, and for us, that is how we discovered our passion for worship. Over the past years and really in recent years, God has cultivated in me a heart for worship. Previously, I had been one to be critical or judgmental of certain things in worship (things that were foreign to me, that were emotional, that only "those" people who were really hurting and didn't have it all together did, the ones that really needed Jesus - ha, none of us have it all together and we all really need Jesus at all times in life), such as shouting, dancing, speaking in tongues, worshiping in the Spirit, etc. But over time and experiences, God has opened my eyes to take a new and fresh look at worship.

As I mentioned before, my previous worship experiences were pretty traditional, and those other things in worship were just things we didn't do - there was never any solid reason why, we just didn't do it. I can think of a few reasons, maybe one being that perhaps people thought that those forms of worship were emotion based. But my husband has reminded me before - God created our emotions. So what is wrong with using our emotions to express to Him our worship? So many churches have shied away from allowing any emotion, any Holy Spirit move in worship for fear that it could be only conjured up emotions, or that we might not follow the structured schedule of a produced church service. But what if every single corporate worship experience simply flowed in the Spirit? What if we allowed the Holy Spirit to move our emotions and guide our services instead of us planning every single thing, down to the minute? I firmly believe that we've placed God in a box, wrapped it up in a beautiful box and said "This is what worship looks like. This is how God moves." It's time to take God out of that box! But when we become sensitive to the Spirit's leading, I believe we allow Him to fully work and move over His people. Where we pray when we feel led to pray. Where we sing songs that we feel led to sing. Where it's okay to deviate from the song set list when we are moved to sing a different one. Where we spontaneous sing in the Spirit. Where we dance before the Lord. And, oh no, get ready for this, when we can speak in a love language to God (tongues?! - I feel the church has totally corrupted this form of worship and has given it such a bad name to the point of making it seem unholy. Time for some fresh perspective, but that is a whole other topic).

This past week when I was in corporate worship, we were singing a song that said "Let heaven come." And it got me thinking about when we are in heaven, and how we will be worshiping day and night. Do you think that is going to be boring? Do you think we're going to think "Gosh, another song?" Do you think we will just be standing there in His presence, emotionless? Absolutely not! We will be worshiping, falling before His throne, praising His name day and night! We will be jumping for joy, shouting His name, bowing, dancing. So why can't we experience some of that now? Why do we think we have to wait until heaven to truly worship? "On earth as it is in heaven!"

Now hear me out - I do not want to judge any one person's worship style, because ultimately, worship is between you and God. And that worship can take many forms for many people, whether that's standing, sitting, lifting hands, dancing, kneeling, speaking in tongues, shouting - it is different for every single person and no person has to do one thing or the other.  But I am tired of the church making it feel uncomfortable to be free in worship to do those things. I am tired of the church stifling the Spirit for the sake of schedules, keeping everyone comfortable, not offending anyone, and looking "just right" or a certain way. If you look at it, all of those forms of worship are completely Biblical - the lifting of hands is referenced numerous times in the Psalms; kneeling and falling before God; shouting unto God; singing; speaking in a love language/tongues to God; dancing before the Lord - they are all in the Bible! We are given the Spirit, it is okay to do those things! The same power that conquered the grave lives in me - and that should free us to worship in any form without fear of judgement or fear of discomfort. Let us boldly approach Him with confidence! And honestly, who cares what I look like to others? Let them judge me. I do not serve them, I serve Christ. And I am only accountable to Him. When I get to heaven, I want to know that I did everything in my power to utterly worship and serve Him. It won't matter what others thought of me while doing so.

So this week, as you gather at your place of worship, I pray that you are free to worship God in whatever way that He moves you - that you know you can sit, stand, sing, stay silent, let the tears fall, dance, shout, raise your hands, surrender to Him and let God move.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Jumping In To My Calling

I've been blogging a lot lately about my calling, my purpose, etc. It seemed that as the business of everyday life, "doing church," and serving faded, I felt like my purpose faded as well - as if my purpose was determined by what I was doing.

I am struggling in this transition to mommyhood as well. Hear me out - I LOVE being a mommy, I spent days and days on my knees praying to be a mommy. I have just been struggling in my identity and calling as a mother, and what that truly looks like, and who God says I am. 

But I must tell you that as I've stepped into this, walking away from my job, walking away from serving just to serve, and stepping into being a mommy, it has been not the smoothest of transitions. It is taking time for me to come to a place of confidence in who I am, especially as a mommy. 

I am so thankful for the community of mothers that I have surrounded myself with, who know what I am going through, who certainly will not judge me, who will not look down on me because of my questions, frustrations, mistakes, emotions, and lack of perfect hair and makeup. I am thankful that they pray for me, give counsel, and encourage. I am so thankful for the incredible example of my mother, her advice, love and prayers. I am so thankful for my husband, who supports, guides, understands, and does not expect perfection. 

I've received a lot of encouragement from my family and my friends, through texts, Scripture, phone calls, lunch conversations, and hand written letters. And one phrase, one phrase, spoke so much to me.

Evelyn equals purpose. 

Much more was written, but I want to keep that private between me and her. Just that one phrase has changed my days and has given me renewed strength. To know that God trusts me that much and loves me that much to place a little life in my hands, that I get the privilege to shape, mold, and be a mommy to. She is my purpose. My husband is my purpose. My home is my purpose. Jesus is my purpose. 

So here's to fully jumping in to my calling, my purpose. It is not always going to be easy. There will be days of joy, tired days, sad days, fun days, and frustrating days. 

But it is mine - my calling, my purpose. And I will embrace it, even when I question and doubt it. 

Monday, July 2, 2012

10 Things

About Evelyn...

1. I've got an extremely mobile child! She's crawling everywhere, and is pretty good at it. So now my days revolve around following her around the house, making sure she doesn't get into things she shouldn't. Busy doesn't even begin to describe it!

2. The other day, I painted her toes for the first time - we were in a matching red. I love it. Someday we will get pedicures together.

3. This past week, we started mommy-baby swimming lessons. She's been doing really great, except when we first get into the water. She cries a little because it's cold! But she's been kicking, doing the back float, "jumping" in from the side of the pool, splashing, and even dunks under water! It's been so much fun to get out of the house and into a pool, especially in this weather.

4. She LOVES it when I get the laundry out of the dryer and into the basket to fold. She likes to play with the basket, pull clothes out, or unfold one I just folded. She's my little laundry helper, in training to take over some day! 

5. Because we are going to be road-tripping a couple times this summer, we decided to get her the next size up car seat. We went with a Britax in "cowmooflauge" print, and she seems much more comfortable in it. It's so much more roomy!

6. We seem to be getting the "next" size up in things or putting away things that she no longer needs - like her boppy, swing, newborn lounger, etc. It's kind of bittersweet. Sad, because she's not my little newborn anymore, but exciting because every new stage has been so much fun!

7. My child loves bath time. She even crawls to the bathroom at nighttime, anticipating a bath (she is a creature of habit!). She squeals as soon as she sees the water in the tub, and could play in there for hours!

8. My girl is getting so big - 8 months old now (party planning is in full swing). Getting older means eating more and more solids. She is still nursing really well, even with the teeth (a few flicks on the cheek took care of any biting), and she loves to eat all sorts of solid foods. 

9. One word - talkative! Non-stop, all the time, talking our ears off. Her choice words are "ya-ya" or "ba-ba" and she loves to yell and squeal too. Just wait until she starts using real words, then she is really going to be a chatterbox! I was the same way - I was the student that the teacher had to constantly move because I loved talking during class.

10. She is genuinely one of the happiest babies. Full of smiles and giggles, and loves to flash her sweet, drooly smile to everyone. She certainly lives up to the meaning of her name - she is full of life!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Father's Day

Happy First Father's Day, my beloved.

We're proud of you and the man that you have become. 

We pray that God continues to shape and mold you as you lead our family. 

We love you.

Rachel and Evelyn

Friday, June 15, 2012

At A Loss

I'm at a loss as to what to title this post. There is much that I want to say, much that I want to type, but be prepared- my words will not be eloquent, they will simply be my words. I'm still trying to wrap my head around what God is leading me through in this season that He's placed me in. These stirrings have caused tears, pain, and questions, but I have to cling to and know that God is in it all. It has been such a different and hard place. Where are you leading us, God? What are you doing? Oh, how I would love for that to be answered, but for now, this is what I know, and what I am striving for...

A while back, I wrote about a season of rest that I feel I am in, that I am still in. I've questioned this season, trying to find its purpose. One night in our small group, a word was given to someone else, but I know that it was spoken for me. The gist of it was - "God is prepping you for something greater, so rest in that time, in that season. Bask in it." And it clicked. In this season, I must, I need to, I have to rest in God allow Him to prepare me for greater things. And that preparation must include devoted time to Him. This spoken word, this revelation, was confirmed to me in the days that followed through many other things. Verses about resting in HIM fell into my lap. Another word was personally given to me by a great pastor, saying that he saw me crumpled up in a ball on the floor and Jesus was hovering over me. And once again, it clicked - I so desire to know the purpose for this season, and my heart aches for answers and directions, but Jesus is there, hovering over me, just waiting for me to look up and rest in Him, in this time He has for me. So yes - greater days are coming. So I will soak in this time of rest knowing that God is working and preparing me for something huge. And I must do my part and dig deep in prayer and the word.

I think many times I try to look way too far ahead. When we were dealing with infertility, I had my eyes focused on our future baby. Now, in my time of rest, I want to see ahead to understand why I'm in this time. In my job as a teacher, I counted down the days until my last. But what about being in the now? Not just being in, but standing in the now. What things have I missed in those moments because my eyes were fixed on the "ahead"? What was God trying to teach me in those moments where I was so caught up in planning the future. I don't want to miss my here, my now. I want to live in the now. I have been given this precious miracle, my beautiful baby girl, and I don't want to steal "now moments" away from her because of my desire to see and understand the future. So I must lay down my 5 year plan, my desire to have more children, my desire to see where God is going to take us, and simply live in the now that I have, the now that God has given me. 

A couple weeks ago, we visited family in Jacksonville. And it just so happened that the church we went to that Sunday had Steven Furtick as a guest preacher. He spoke on gratitude, and let me tell you, it hit my hubby and I hard. We want a better job, a better place to live, a better couch, etc...
and His message really spoke to both of us about living in gratitude. So we're taking on this new perspective, this new challenge, to live gratefully in every aspect of our lives - grateful for material possessions, grateful for each other, grateful for our baby, grateful for Jesus. To be grateful for every single breath that I take, that I've been given this life!

Michael and I found ourselves talking about hearing God speak....and how we long to hear Him, and hear Him speak about so many things - his job, where we belong, our church. But in this season of rest that He has us in, He has been extremely quiet. We hear silence. So we've resolved that we won't speak until He speaks, that won't act until He tells us to. We won't make decisions until He guides us through them. And this song, lyrics and all, explain exactly how I'm long as it takes.

This season that we're in also has brought feelings of loneliness, isolation, and not knowing where we really belong. For me personally, I have really struggled with this. One evening, as I was home alone with my girl, I was feeling extremely lonely and alone. My heart ached and tears fell - it was one of those moments where I never felt so alone. I had expressed on a social media how I longed for Jesus to physically and visibly be there next to me, to hug me and ease those feelings of loneliness. And a song was given to me. As I listened and let the song wash over me, more tears fell as I felt the loving arms of Jesus envelop me. And when those lonely feelings creep in, I just turn on this song and let it soak...

I've been struggling with my purpose. For so many years I was so busy serving in church, teaching at work, and striving to see my "next" that I feel that I somehow lost my purpose along the way. And now in this season of rest, it has become front and center. I've been battling some negative feelings and thoughts.... Many times, the day in and day out mundane gets me down, and I wonder if I am making a difference, if I am fulfilling my purpose and calling. But what about fully and presently stepping into my role as a mother? For too long, our society has lessened the role of the mother, on moms who want to be moms. I took notes on a Mother's Day message from the House of Prayer that I keep going back to, daily, to remind myself of my great calling as a mother. They are simple truths, but truths that I need to be reminded of. Some of the major points are:
  • Don't be afraid to be a mom, don't miss where God is working
  • world changers are born because of mothers
  • The calling that God has put in you is huge
  • God has put something inside of you to believe for the impossible
  • There are huge things that God is wanting to birth through you
  • anguish in prayer

Shew! And now you know why I was at a loss in titling this post - there are probably five separate posts within it!

But to sum it all, I am claiming this over my life-
God is not done with me. I'm called. God has His hand on me. My best days are yet to come. He is prepping me for greater things. I will rest in this time, stand in this season, bask in Him, feel His loving arms...

And because I tend to worry about much, fear about tomorrow, and desire to control, I will cling to this simple chorus - "I've got love, joy, peace, and righteousness in the Holy Spirit!" 

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Attacks On the Family

One of the major things that the enemy attacks with all his might is the family. Specifically, the Christian family. We see it all too often in the church - adulterous affairs, addictions to pornography, sexual sin - and we stand there and scratch our heads and try to figure out how this could happen to "that couple" or "that family" that we thought had it all together. And we try to cover up and sugar coat and sweep it under the rug. 

But let's be real. authentic. honest. 

Our families need to be drenched in prayer, in accountability, in honesty, in openness. 

This video explains it perfectly, from the mouths of babes, from the mouths of our children. 

I watched this video last night. 
And today, I received devastating news that left me feeling sick to my stomach, left my heart hurting, and my head questioning. Someone I love is totally broken by yet another attack on the family. 


Prayer transforms.

Prayer breaks the cycle.

Prayer is our defense against these disgusting and brutal attacks. 

Join me, please, in prayer. For our future generations, your children, my children.


Monday, May 21, 2012

Adventures in Baby Food

It's hard to believe that it is already time to start giving food to Evelyn. She has been doing so well eating rice cereal, so I went to Bed Bath and Beyond and bought the bullet...the Baby Bullet! I really wanted to make my own baby food for Evelyn for many reasons - less packaging waste, no preservatives and fillers, I can make it from organic items, it's always fresh, and for the cost savings! At first, I was a little overwhelmed, but it turns out to be such a quick and easy thing to do.

The first food I made for her were bananas. And she loves them. So now I've moved on to apples. She loves those too! Up next, sweet potatoes and then squash. 

She's still learning that she must open her mouth and not stick out her tongue, and she's getting better and better every day. She even begs for more bites when I'm not fast enough!

In other things, she is getting more and more mobile. She rolls all over the place and is able to scoot herself to where she wants to go. She even sneaks up on our golden retriever and grabs her ears and hair. 
And she has started to do this...

No, not crawling, but she's getting ready! She gets up on her hands and knees and rocks back and forth. Soon I think she'll figure it out and then I will really be busy!

Those two little bottom teeth finally broke through the other day. I can feel just the tops. She's done really well with teething - a few fussy moments, but it's never been bad enough to medicate. She just drools...and drools...and drools. And chews on everything. :) 

I'll leave you with a great verse from Romans, which was given to me yesterday and today, by two separate sources. I love it when God speaks, confirms, and moves like that!

What then are we to say about these things? If God is for us, who is against us? He did not even spare His own Son, but offered Him up for us all; how will He not also with Him graciously give us everything? 

Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day.

I received that greeting several times over the weekend. 

Those three words hold such precious meaning for me. 

Because for previous years, that day was a painful one for me. I knew I was called to be a mommy, but it just wasn't happening. 

But this year, this year, I woke up to the sweetest miracle handing me a beautiful card, with a drooly, gummy smile. 

So this Mother's Day, I thank God for allowing me to be a mommy. I thank Him for the little girl that makes me want to be a better person. I thank God for the high calling and purpose that He has given me as a mommy. I rejoice. And I pray for those of you who experience pain on Mother's Day, for whatever reason - infertility, loss, broken relationships... You are not forgotten, you are near and dear to my heart. 

He is faithful, He is good.
He still works miracles, many times in ways we would have never thought or guessed...

Happy Mother's Day to me, a happy day indeed.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Happy Six Months!

My dear Evelyn is six months old. 

I know it is SO cliche, but...

Where did the time go?

How did we go from this...

to this???

Evelyn has been doing very well! She went in for her six month check up, and now is 27 inches long and weighs 15 pounds - she finally doubled her birth weight.

She's been drooling like crazy, and has all the signs of teething. No teeth yet, but they are slowly coming. Getting teeth is such a huge milestone. I should be excited, but it seems bittersweet. I am going to miss those gummy smiles. 

After those several weeks of short, infrequent naps, we've finally seen improvement. She naps after her morning and afternoon feedings, for about an hour at a time - HUGE improvement!!! As soon as she's asleep, I scramble to get as much done around the house as I can in an hour, because I know that is all I will get! 

She's got lots of new tricks. She loves grabbing her feet, and even chews on her toes. She even tries to sit up by clenching those stomach muscles and lifting her head and feet off the floor - she's such a strong child. While she's nursing, she does this thing with her hand where she anchors her thumb on my chest and then sways her hand back and forth. I'm not sure why she does it, but it's one of those cute little things! 

She's been developing that beautiful voice of hers with lots of new sounds, and she's discovered that she can make sound while gasping air in and breathing out. It scared me the first time she did it! She's quite the chatterbox, and loves to "talk" when she wakes up in her crib. 

She's so strong. Her doctor even said so, and thought that she will be an early crawler and walker. 
Uh oh. 

It's been so fun to see her little personality come out, too! She's definitely got a lot of sass and spunk, and still doesn't want to miss anything, just like her daddy. She wants to be on the go all the time. I think she has a great balance of sassiness and sweetness. 

One of my favorite times of the day is when we snuggle. Michael has never been a snuggler, and I definitely am, so I wanted to make sure that Evelyn is a snuggler. I soak up the quiet moments together where we just sit...

We brought her to the zoo for the first time, and she actually seemed to enjoy it. It was interesting to see how animals are more curious about babies than they are adults. All of the petting zoo animals just wanted to sniff her and be by her. We had a lot of fun there!

We went to build-a-bear to make her first bear! She "picked" out this one, which we've affectionately named "Pink Bear"

And here's big news...she is now eating rice cereal once a day! Today was the third day doing it, and I'm not really sure how she feels about it....

Happy Weekend, everyone!!!
Be blessed.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I Did It

I did it.

I submitted my resignation letter.

As of June 5 2012, I will be a full time stay at home mommy.

It is a relief, feels like I can breathe, like a weight is lifted.

My husband and I have spent much time weighing both sides, and really seeing what is best for us. And the reasons to stay home outweighed to reasons to keep working for the school district.
Little reasons, like...
           It's a 45 minute drive to work.
           I don't feel safe in the community where work is.
           What about childcare? I have a great friend who does it now, but that's not long term.
            Daycare is expensive.
           I feel more like I'm babysitting that teaching.
           Music in the public schools is slowly dying, on it's way out...
And then the biggest reason of all...
          I want to have no regrets. 
          I need to be home with her.
          She is worth it.

It will be a financial adjustment, but we can do it. I am committed to stop my ridiculous spending habits, (more on that to come later...) because she is worth it.

In these early years, early months, I don't want to be away from her. I feel like I'm missing too much. 

As she grows and becomes of school age, I would love to go back to teaching! 

This decision is for me, and for me alone. God has led me in this decision. I am not going to sit here and preach that every mommy needs to stay home with their children - because that is a lie. God leads each and every one of us differently, and He leads us in different decisions and different lifestyles. And He has His divine reasons for it. So staying home with Evelyn is best for me and is where God is leading, but it may not be best for you and it may not be where God wants you to be.

And those of you who do work outside of the home, I am proud of you. I applaud you. It is a task that is certainly not easy or for the faint of heart. Not everyone can do it or is meant to do it.

So here's to a new adventure! Six weeks left of the school year!!!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

I Would Rather Be...

I so needed to hear this...

"I would rather be what God chose to make me
than the most glorious creature that I could think of;
for to have been thought about, born in God's thought,
and then made by God,
is the dearest, grandest, and most precious thing in all thinking."
-George MacDonald


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

So Many Firsts...

(So, I had this all typed up, with all of the pictures. I posted it, and then I accidentally deleted it. Grr....So I will do my best to remember what I wrote about.)

Evelyn has been growing so much lately.  I't's amazing watching her grow, change, and develop.

She is now 5 months old, and the other day, she rolled from her back to her belly! It is quite the feat for a baby - it's hard work rolling that little body over! So now she is rolling and rolling like crazy. She is definitely more mobile! She still hasn't been able to sit up on her own. Every time I try to get her to practice it, she pushes up on her legs and only wants to stand!

Evelyn is grabbing at everything! My hair, Daddy's beard, Ginger's ears. She loves grabbing her little giraffe and her paci. She picks up her paci, puts it in her mouth, and chews on it!

The other day, I noticed that her poor little ankles were all scratched up. I couldn't figured out why until I watched her grab her ankles and feet when she is laying on the floor. She loves playing with and holding her feet, so she scratches them accidentally. I guess if it hurt she would stop. 

She is still sleeping through the night, which is absolutely wonderful. We had to stop swaddling her because she would roll over onto her tummy and then not be able to roll back over because her arms were swaddled in. It was a bit scary to wake up to her screaming face down, so we decided to try and stop swaddling, and she did great! 

Michael and I decided that we wanted to instill in her at an early age that dinner time is family time, and that we all sit together. So, we've been putting her in her high chair at the table with us with some toys to play with as we eat. I think she's got it figured out - she watches us eat and opens her mouth and "begs." I think she is definitely ready to start eating food. We are going to wait until her 6 month check up, so her doctor can instruct us in what to do. I don't want to give up breastfeeding yet, I love it. 

Evelyn sure is talking a lot more, too! She loves looking at pictures, and she even talks to Ellen on TV. It's pretty darn cute. And, she is finally taking longer and more consistent naps throughout the day.

As for me, I can honestly say that I am feeling physically better. I never realized that it could take 6 months post-partum for me to start feeling better. I know my hormones have been crazy because of being pregnant and giving birth, but I was getting tired of feeling exhausted and dizzy all of the time. I was even feeling anxious and overwhelmed at times, but that has lessened, thank God. And here is something HUGE HUGE HUGE - I got my period, naturally. For those of you who have been following our story from the beginning, you know how amazingly huge this is. I have not had a natural period, one on my own, for 11 years. It was a major cause of my infertility. So perhaps this period means that my body may get a cycle! 
It is a little glimmer of hope...

We've been enjoying so many firsts together! Enjoy the pictures, get ready for mega adorable-ness and cuteness!!!

We love going for family walks, and now Evelyn goes big-girl style! She loves being able to see everything....and sometimes fall asleep.

 We took Evelyn to the beach for the first time!! She loved the feel of the sand, but thought it was for eating!

The water was a little chilly, and she didn't appreciate a big wave splashing up on her.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

There is a beautiful park near our house, so we took her to see if she would like it. She loved it!

Stylin' in our shades

Ready to go down the slide!

Lovin' the swings

Swinging with Daddy

Happy Easter!

My loves...

Our first Easter as a family of three...

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

A Season of Rest




Words that God has been speaking to me. I wrote previously about my land inbetween, and this is definitely a major part of it. I am in this new season, one that I've never experienced before.  And I am having a difficult time understanding and knowing what rest really means. I definitely understand physical rest, and I do that well. I can easily sit and watch my favorite show on Netflix, take a nap, read a book, spend time on my iPad. But God is leading me to rest - spiritually, mentally. To breathe in, breathe out, and rest in Him. But because I've been so busy doing this and that for so long, I really don't know what rest really is, what it should look like, and what it should be. I just know that He is teaching, He is leading in at all.

God led me to step down from leading worship and being involved and serving, and now I am standing here asking "now what?" And His answer is "Rest. Be still. Be quiet."

I'm having a really hard time with feeling insignificant. I day in and day out take care of a most precious gift, but I feel as if at some point, I've lost my dream. I couldn't even tell you a dream that I have or a calling that I feel has been placed over my life. I ask "What is my purpose?" and again I hear "Rest. Be still. Be quiet."

After a conversation with my dear friend and a conversation with my hubby, God has shown me that I cannot not rely on any one person, one church, one friend, one worship leader, to be my connection to Christ. No matter how great the pastor, how intimate the worship, how excellent the service, how beautiful the conversation - I have access to a direct relationship with Him. And I need to work on that. I can have those intense worship moments in my car, in my living room, just me and Him. I cannot rely on anyone else to do it for me.

As I grapple and struggle with all of these things, I receive confirmation after confirmation, and I hear God telling me to rest in Him. And He speaks rest through other daily things - a text with a verse from a friend, a blog post, a Jesus Calling devotion, a conversation with a worship leader.

And I know that as He teaches me how to rest, He will give me renewed dreams and callings. He will give me significance. He will fill me up. I will have direct relationship with Him. He will...

I do not know how long this time of rest will last, but I do know that it is going to be huge thing for me, and I am claiming that it is life-changing.

So it's time to dig deep in this season of rest, to pray that it is fruitful, to seek Him directly, to let Him work...

"...In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength..." Isaiah 30:15

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Sacrificial Giving

You know those people in your life that happily give? They love to wrap up presents, give gifts when it's not even a special occasion. They love to pay for lunch, give a few dollars to the bum on the side of the road. They give without strings attached. They give to the church with a smile on their face. It is one of their spiritual gifts, love languages, to be a giver.

I'm not a giver in that sense. I will cheerfully give my time, but I have a hard time giving material things or money.

I'm trying to develop that form of giving in my life.

Tithing has always been a challenge for me. I will faithfully give that ten percent, but most times, I do not give cheerfully. I pray that God uses the money in a great way, and I know He does. It's just really hard at times to drop that money in the bucket with a smile on my face. I'm working on it...

I'm trying to be an "intentional giver," picking up the lunch bill, giving gifts, etc.

Recently I heard God's voice very clearly about giving away an item to an incredible ministry that I have recently been blessed by. God spoke it to me, and I said "oh, I'll pray about it to make sure He really wants me to give that away." So I waited a week. I honestly did not pray about it at all. I just wanted to "wait a week" to hopefully forget about it, and hope that God would, too. Then again, on a Sunday night, God told me that I needed to give it away. So I approached the person and offered it to him, and discovered that they really need this item.

What is it?

My precious keyboard.

For those of you who know me, you know what I am talking about. It is my Roland RD-700 stage grand keyboard, with all of the bells and whistles (it's the one Michael W. Smith plays at his concerts.) I purchased it (well, financed it) years ago. I faithfully made the payments and paid it off. I used that keyboard to lead worship in Wisconsin and Florida, week in and week out. It was my baby, my musical workhorse. For those of you with nice music equipment, you understand. I had become so attached to it, it has such sentimental value! It has been my faithful music companion.

After I had committed to giving it to this ministry, I have struggled with wanting to "keep" it, wanting to go back on my word, tell them, "oops, I didn't mean to give that away!" I've even thought about just selling it to make some quick cash.

But I know that I am meant to give the keyboard. God has called me to do it. And I am committed to giving it.

I think I understand the meaning of sacrificial giving now. To me, it feels like I am really sacrificing to part with this beautiful instrument. But I am listening to God. He knows what He is doing. I trust that this is just another way that He is continually working in my life, to mold me, shape me, into what He wants me to be. He fills me up, so He can pour me out.

Please hear me out and understand that I am not blogging about this to pat myself on the back. I just want to share how God is moving in my life, and perhaps encourage you in your walk. I think we all can learn to become better at giving - sacrificially, intentionally, and cheerfully.

I said goodbye to my keyboard on Sunday. I wanted to show the new owners how it all worked and tell them all about it, but I just let it go. And I can honestly say that it was difficult, but when I heard it being played, I smiled. It can now be played by people who have wanted to lead worship but did not have an instrument. It can now be used to lead people into worship, to change lives! It is going to a ministry that has been HUGE, a blessing, incredible, instrumental in my life. If it can be used to be huge in someone else's life, then it is worth it.